Catnip - LWS Comics #162
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Catnip – LWS Comic #162

Hey there LWS fans, I have another new hilarious strip called “Catnip” out for you today. As the title reveals, this one’s about cats and the ever so drug like substance, catnip. Anyone with felines knows how the story goes. 🙂

However, in today’s comic, Ryan would like to believe that it’s not always about the treasure, but the journey. You know, like all those awesome 80’s flicks. To quote my own words, “It’s about the adventure!” Add a British accent if you wish, for dramatic effect.

Alas, for our cat Tori, it may be more about the catnip than the adventure. Haha. Anyways, if you liked this week’s comic, then you’ll love my other cat themed ones like Happy Birthday and Battle Mode. Check back often for more great Living With Stacy strips.

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