Fraudster – Living With Stacy #189
Hey there LWS fans, I have a new comic strip for you today called “Fraudster.” Stacy barges in on Ryan taking a number 2 and claims that she is going to jail for an unpaid parking ticket. LOL. This is truly a Living With Stacy moment. 🙂 Ryan offers some calming discourse, but Stacy grabs him and shakes him on the toilet screaming “STOP PANICKING!”
Today’s comic is one of my favorites and embodies the very nature in which I derive inspiration. Which is living with Stacy. Haha. Anyhoo, that’s it for this week’s comic. If you like it, check out my other ones which you can find in the LWS Comic Archive.
Also, if you have a comic website, or you want to advertise to get your comic known more, definitely check out COMICAD.NET. It’s the best new thing in comic, arts and games advertising/publishing network.
Tags: comedy, Comics, cute, Living With Stacy, LWS, slice of life
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