Here’s another LWS comic update called “Noses.”
Welcome back to another LWS thing. Today`s strip is about noses. More accurately, it is about nose puns! That`s word play boy! I say, boy! So get ready, cuz it`s about to get punny up in here!! Haha. Anyways, I hope you like this short and simple gag. Tune in soon for another great one. Laters.
Like this comic? Why not check a few more out while you’re at it like this one called Webcomic!
Living With Stacy, or LWS for short, updates every Saturday and maybe some other days too, so come back often to lol at the latest comic strips!
Author: Ryan J.S. Chandler of Flapjack Studios (c) 2018
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LIVING WITH STACY #93 - One Job - Living With Stacy
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Living With Stacy, or LWS for short, updates every Saturday and maybe some other days too, so come back often to lol at the latest comic strips! If you want to check out my previous comic then check out Living With Stacy # 92 – Noses.
Living With Stacy #95 - Rhetorical - Living With Stacy
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[…] and love ones. If you have the time, why not check out this other great LWS comic called “Noses.”That’s it for today’s update. I’ll see you next week. But before that, I […]