Hey everyone, I have another new LWS comic strip out today called “Waiter.” Ryan and Stacy have a lovely brunch at a new local cafe. Everything was fantastic, until Stacy wanted to clean up the dirty plates and napkins. This is literally a true story. Happened just the other day. The more Stacy tried to frantically clean the more mess she made until it was impossible to do so without the help of the waiter. It was ultimately a futile attempt…a noble attempt, but futile none the less.”Oh my,” indeed. 🙂
So, today’s comic came out way later than I wanted. It took all day to draw and digitize this one for whatever unknown reason. It is now 12:45am, so technically it’s Sunday morning, but hey, if you’re up late like me then you most likely still feel that Saturday night vibe. So yeah, in a way I’m not that late. We’ll go with that. Haha.
I was supposed to go to a cool folk concert tonight but alas, comics take a bit of time and Saturdays are my “draw the damn comic already” days. I’m sure some of you other artists out there can relate.
Anyhoo, I’ve been sitting too long. I need to stretch. Speaking of stretching, why not check out one of my other LWS comics that involve exercise and stretching. Later gators.
Hey there LWS comic fans and welcome to another new strip called “Getting Old.” As you may have guessed, this comic is about getting old and with that comes all sorts of fun aches and pains. Pains that generally stick with you forever even though just months prior you were fit as a fiddle. Oh well, such is life and aging, am I right?
This LWS comic was inspired by true events. Literally, I was wondering how I was going to get a Living With Stacy comic strip out today. My arm cramped up something fierce so I was actually thinking, “Can I do a comic today?” Thankfully, I was inspired by my own body aches and pains and completed the comic you see now.
So, what about Stacy? Oh don’t worry, she’s always on the brink of a tension migraine. And if not for my arm cramps, I would have given her a fantastic massage. The best the world has ever seen. Although, I don’t know why the world would need to see it…Anyhoo, we just both wallowed in pain until she had to go to work and I had to draw. Haha. A fun Saturday if I ever knew one.
I hoped you liked this week’s LWS comic. Perhaps next week I’ll have a bit more electrolytes to counteract whatever cramping urges my body has. Until then! Peace.
Oh, and don’t forget to check out my other LWS comics like “Mattress Mayhem.”
Hey there LWS comic fans, another Saturday has come and you know what that means? That’s right, I have a new comic for you today called “On My Nerves.” Has anyone been in this situation before? What to do when a timer goes off and you don’t wanna get up to go turn it off? I know, I know. Such is life. Like Ryan says in the second panel, “If only there was a way I could make it stop…..From over here.” Wouldn’t that be great? Haha.
Maybe in the future we’ll be blessed by the consumer gods with a microwave timer that is remote controlled wireless through your smart phone. And…wait…I bet that exists already. Hm, I should go check on amazon. Haha.
Anyways, I hoped you liked “On My Nerves.” I find a certain level of stubbornness to be quite humorous. And if you did too, then why not check out my other LWS comics. Perhaps this one called “Growth Spurt.”
Hey there LWS fans, I have a new comic out today called “Toilet Seat.” I can’t think of anything to write at the moment, so I will come back tomorrow and fill this page up with lots of lovely words. Until then.
If you liked “Toilet Seat” and my other LWS comics then you should definitely check out LWS #117 called “Arbor.” It’s one of my favorites.
Go Fund Me for Living With Stacy
I have a GO FUND ME campaign for a Living With Stacy book that I’m printing. It features the first 100 LWS comics in an awesome first edition print of Living With Stacy! If you like my comic please head on over to my GO FUND ME page and support me. Even $5.00 matters! Thanks for your support!
Heyo LWS comic fans and welcome to another new strip called “Let Us In.” Ryan and Stacy attempt to get a good nights sleep after finding their lonely cat Tori a new friend. This new friend is none other than the lovably chonky kitten Jeanie. Well, Jeanie isn’t a kitten anymore. Keh, keh. So how did everything turn out for our married heroes and their sleep endeavors? Haha, well let’s just say, now there are more kitty mouths meowing, “Let us in!”
Anyways this page (Let Us In) marks the end of “New Kitten Story Arc.” Jeanie is officially part of our growing family. Expect to see more of their cat shenanigans in the future. Also, I was thinking of making a few Cats of LWS T-Shirts if anyone was interested. How can you get a hold of one of these precious tees? Well, contact me of course with your size and measurements and I’ll set you up with one. For everyone else, I’ll be making a post about merch in the future.
So that’s it for this week’s LWS comics strip. I hope you enjoyed it. I know I really enjoyed writing and drawing our new feline friends. Also, drawing Stacy frustrated is fun too. 🙂 Stay tuned for more updates. Have a good weekend!
Hey Living with Stacy fans, and welcome to another awesome comic called “Growth Spurt.” As the title implies, our new kitten Jeanie goes through quite the time lapsed growth spurt. Now this is an actual true event. Jeanie was in fact the Runt of the Litter, and within a short year, she was bigger than Tori. Tori used to pick on Jeanie quite a lot as a kitten, and as you may have guesses, the tables had turned. You’ll get to see more of Tori and Jeanie shenanigans in future comics. So if you like cats, you’re going to love the LWS kitty duo! I mean, just look at Jeanie! I want her on a T-Shirt (keep an eye out for that update soon).
LWS Comic Jeanie by Ryan JS Chandler 2019
Today’s comic (LWS #125) is close to ending the new kitty arc. For those of you new readers out there who are just joining in, feel free to read my comic backlog and catch up on current comedy story arcs. The start of this one was comic #118 Let Me In. And if you’re feeling adventurous, why not read my first ever LWS strip Sick starring the infamous Banana. 🙂
That’s it for this week. I hope everyone is enjoying the focus on our two lovely and hilarious cats. Check back for new updates. My stomach is growling, so it’s time to cook some lunch. Until next time.
Heyo LWS comics fans, and welcome to another new strip called “Good Example.” Tori bullies Jeanie while she attempts to drink from an oversized dish of water. Stacy scolds, “No bullying Jeanie! You have to set a good example, okay?” Tori retorts with another BAP on Jeanie’s head, plunging her into the water dish. Oh Tori…when will you learn that picking on something smaller than you is not nice. Just because Jeanie’s the Runt of the Litter, doesn’t make it okay. And who knows, she may be bigger than you one day…
So that’s it for today’s LWS comic. There are a few more in the “New Kitten” arc. So if you like cats and kitties, stay tuned for more strips. I am encouraged to write more text here and it fills up the space, but I’ve already said what I need to, so now I’m just rambling. I probably only need a few more words and I’ll hit that magic number. In fact, I have four minutes left on my spaghetti, so I guess I have to wrap it up. Stay tuned for the next hilarious LWS comic.
Hey there LWS fans and welcome to another hilarious comic on this fine March day called “Battle Mode.” Ryan and Stacy bring their new kitten Jeanie home to see Tori for the first time. How does their old cat react to her new sister? Well, let’s just say that Tori enters her battle mode state as soon as she sees her, essentially this mode is a cat freak out. Haha.
Anyone who has more than one household cat knows how hard it can be to predict how well integrating a new kitten can be. Sometimes it goes great, and sometimes your older cat goes into battle mode. 🙂 When we first got Jeanie (IRL) Tori was not as kind as we thought she’d be. She was quite jealous and tried to attack the kitten quite often. Eventually, we managed to get them to get along, but yeah, cats- am I right? The story isn’t over yet, more kitten fun is coming your way.
So if you liked this week’s LWS comic you definitely want to check out the previous comics in the Jeanie arc, as they set up for today’s comic and what’s to come. If you ever want to adopt a kitten and live in Nova Scotia, feel free to check out the SPCA website. You may just find the kitten (or cat) of your dreams.
Hey there Living With Stacy fans and welcome to another new LWS comic called “Peace Offering.” In today’s comic Ryan is upset that Stacy lied to him about such an important thing. Stacy apologies about the kitten but Ryan quickly retorts that it wasn’t about the kitten, she’s adorable, no…It was about not going to the games store like Stacy promised. Haha.
This comic took me some time to write. I wanted to have Ryan talk with Stacy but also consult with their new kitten. There’s only four panels to work with and so much space. I literally had to clean my living room until the eureka moment when I nailed the dialog in my head. So two great things, the living room is now clean and I have a great new LWS comic for you to enjoy. 🙂
Speaking of enjoying, I did not enjoy breaking my keyboard. It “fell” against my desk and the keys came off and scattered throughout the living room. While cleaning though, I managed to find all the missing keys and snap them back onto my keyboard, thus enabling me to finish my comic. Is there nothing cleaning can’t do?
Anyways, if you liked this week’s comic you should check out the previous two comics called Detour and Runt of the Litter as they are the precursors to today’s comic.
Hey-yo LWS fans and welcome to another new Living With Stacy comic called “Runt of the Litter.” As you may have guessed…actually you know now, that Stacy’s little detour to the pet store was a little bit more eventful than she initially promised. Looks like Ryan and Stacy have a new kitten! And thus starts a new era of LWS. From now on, Ryan and Stacy have two cats. Tori and….Ah ha! That’ s right, this new kitten has yet to be named. Check back soon to find out what we name our newest member of our family.
The new kitten arc has just begun. I plan on having a few more comics that focus on our new kitty. Look forward to that in the coming future. I hope you liked this week’s LWS comic. If you have any stories you wish to share about your first kitten adventure, please feel free to post it below, or on our Facebook page.
Finally, I decided to add an exert from Wikipedia on American Shorthairs for good measure.
American Shorthair
The American Shorthair (ASH) is a breed of domestic cat believed to be descended from European cats brought to North America by early settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats. According to the Cat Fancier’s Association, in 2012, it was the seventh most popular pedigreed cat in the United States.
When settlers sailed from Europe to North America, they carried cats on board (ships’ cats) to protect the stores from mice. For instance, the cats that came over on the Mayflower with the Pilgrims to hunt rats on the ship and in the colony. Many of these cats landed in the New World, interbred, and developed special characteristics to help them cope with their new life and climate.
The American Shorthair is a pedigreed cat breed, with a strict conformation standard, as set by cat fanciers of the breed and the North American cat fancier associations such as The International Cat Association (TICA)[5] and the Cat Fanciers’ Association.
Although it is not an extremely athletic cat, the American Shorthair has a large, powerfully-built body. According to the breed standard of the Cat Fanciers’ Association, the American Shorthair is a true breed of working cat. They have round faces and short ears. According to the CFA, American Shorthairs are low-maintenance cats that are generally healthy, easy-going, affectionate with owners and social with strangers.
Males are significantly larger than females, weighing eleven to fifteen pounds when fully grown. Mature females weigh six to twelve pounds when they achieve full growth at three to four years of age. With a quality diet and plenty of attention, love, and care, they can live 15 years or longer, requiring annual vaccinations and veterinary checkups. These cats have solidly built, powerful, and muscular bodies with well-developed shoulders, chests, and hindquarters.
The American Shorthair is recognized in more than eighty different colors and patterns ranging from the brown-patched tabby to the blue-eyed white, the shaded silvers, smokes and cameos to the calico van, and many colors in between. Some even come in deep tones of black, brown, or other blends and combinations. QUOTED from – WIKIPEDIA.COM
Hello, and welcome to the official Living With Stacy website! You may be wondering what this Living With Stacy comic is all about. Well allow me to shed some light on the subject. Living with Stacy is a modern, slice of life, comedy comic about the everyday routines and struggles of a happy, young couple living with OCD. Join Ryan and Stacy (and their two cats) as they attempt to comfortably coexist, love each other and push through life in hilarious and relatable ways! To quote some random awesome guy on the internet, "LWS is cute, adorable and fun for everyone, even your cats!" Wow, thanks random awesome guy!
The creator of LWS wants to show you that having OCD, or a partner with OCD isn't the end of the world. While dating someone with obsessive compulsive disorder does provide some unique (and occasionally funny) challenges, it can also be normal, loving and warm, just like any other healthy relationship. :)
Living With Stacy is now being printed in the Advance, a local newspaper from my hometown. The Advance is a faction of TC Media which publishes papers across Canada. Anywhere from Halifax, Nova Scotia right to Vancouver, BC. I'm super excited to be a part of it. Keep an eye out for LWS strips in your local newspaper and of course, please continue to enjoy the comic on my website.
Living With Stacy, or LWS for short, updates every Saturday so come back often to lol at the latest strips! To learn more about LWS please check out the About Section. If you're interested in Flapjack Studios' other comic works you can check out Rankless the Comic and its Comic Archive.