Living With Stacy #97 – The Board Game
Today’s LWS comic is called The Board Game and is a follow up to last weeks great comic, Master Procrastinator. It looks like Stacy has convinced Ryan to try out her new board game. In the name of science of course! Haha, or maybe it’s more like, in the name of good humor!
My inspiration for this weeks comic comes from board games like Carcassonne and D&D but with a twist of nonsense thrown in for good measure. I hope you liked it and if you did, then please feel free to share it with your friends and family. Check back next time for another new LWS comic!
Go Fund Me for Living With Stacy
I have a GO FUND ME campaign for a Living With Stacy book that I’m printing. It features the first 100 LWS comics in an awesome first edition print of Living With Stacy! If you like my comic please head on over to my GO FUND ME page and support me. Even $1.00 matters! Thanks for your support!
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