The Internship – LWS Comics #221
Welcome LWS fans, I have another new LWS Comic for you called “The Internship.” Stacy’s on her new journey to learn permaculture! And on her first few days there, she is…well shoveling crap. Haha. A natural farming practice. However, we see that Stacy would rather shovel Frank the Goat’s crap, than deal with people’s crap as a customer service rep at the office. A sentiment that I feel a lot of your might relate to. 😀
In other news, but related to this, I plan on doing a full series based on Stacy’s Internship. This will not be happening soon though, and will be only available (most likely) in a book format and on my Patreon. As far as the online comics are concerned, Stacy and Ryan will be back annoying and loving each other very soon. 🙂
So if you liked The Internship, you should check out all the Living with Stacy office comic strips that lead up to Stacy’s new profession! Love and peace!
Tags: comedy, Comics, cute, internship, Living With Stacy, LWS, permaculture, slice of life
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