Toboggan - LWS Comic #161
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Toboggan – LWS Comic #161

Well hello there LWS comic fans, I have another new winter strip for you called “Toboggan.” First up, isn’t the word toboggan a weird one to say and spell? Haha. I do believe it is native Canadian word meaning a type of sled transport of the Cree and Innu.  Neat huh?  Anyways, I’ve always called it a toboggan, thus is the title of today’s comic.

Ryan and Stacy go sledding during the first winter’s snow. What fun! Gasp, but it looks like Ryan’s sled is heading right towards in unsuspecting toddler. What is he to do?  Well, I’ll tell you. Since this is a true story (some of my readers out there may recall this) I can remember it clearly.

I shouted and shouted for the kid to get out of the way, but he kept his oblivious pace into the path of my sled. At that point, I had two choices as I knew I was going to plow into him. One, jump out and have the sled still hit the kid, but with less force, or two (you may have guessed it), stay in the sled and try to grab the kid as I hit him.

I opted to grab the kid, but my calculations on the force were incorrect. The moment I hit the kid, he popped into the air and flew over my head. I raised my hands up and caught him mid air, then proceeded to sled the rest of the way down the hill.

It was obvious the kid had no idea what happened. I plopped him back on the ground and he walked on. I heard him cry for his mommy a half a minute later though. Anyways, I felt pretty good about my decision, and continued on my sledding spree. Fun times. 🙂

And that’ the story. If you liked “Toboggan” than you’ll love my other winter themed comics like Winter Time and I Have A Stick.

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