Eat Smart – LWS Comics #247
Eat Smart – LWS Comics #247. Ryan and Stacy are at the grocery store trying to buy and eat smart. But there are also ice cream sandwiches. What will the couple do? Eat smart or buy ice cream sandwiches?
Well it looks like you all know which one Stacy “ran off with.” It’s ice cream sandwiches. Not only are Ryan and Stacy both lactose intolerant, but ice cream is the farthest away from “healthy” as one can get. Haha. Oh well, at least it’ll taste good going down. 🙂
So it’s been awhile since my last update. I still release comics on the website, but if you want to get the latest Living With Stacy webcomics, then you’ll want to join my PATREON. For only $5 bucks you can get access to every new LWS comic way ahead of the website release. So do me a favour and join up. It helps me buy a hamburger.