
Posts Tagged ‘clean as a whistle’

Living With Stacy #146 - Clean as A Whistle

Living With Stacy #146 – Clean as a Whistle

Hey there LWS comic fans and welcome to another new hilarious comic strip called “Clean as a Whistle.” Stacy snaps on some rubber gloves and goes to town on the dirty dishes. Before she can bask in her hard work, Ryan swoops in with a cereal bowl and klunks it into the sink without a second thought. Cue the heavy metal music. Haha.

Clean as a whistle is a weird idiom for me. You may have heard the expression before…it means, really, really clean. However, if you stop and think about it, being clean as a whistle would in reality, not that clean. Right? I mean, how clean can a whistle get? You got saliva, bacteria, airflow, no good way to clean it. So, I think it may have been a sarcastic response to a very clean situation. There could be more to it, maybe certain types of whistles needed to be pristine? Is that a military thing? A British thing? Who knows…

Anyhoo, that’s it for this week’s comic. If you liked today’s LWS comic, then you’ll definitely like my other dishes themed strip called How to Get His Attention.