
Posts Tagged ‘how sweet’

Living With Stacy #149 - How Sweet

Living With Stacy #149 – How Sweet

Heyo LWS comic fans and welcome to another new strip called “How Sweet.” How many of you out there can relate to this, huh? Haha. An innocent gesture for food gets mistaken for a yearning to loving hold hands. When you love food as much as I do, it tends to happen a lot. But there’s a secret to it too. And since I”m such a nice guy, I’ll share it with all of you. When someone you love holds your hands by mistake, just go with it. Who knows, maybe you’ll still get that tortilla chip after all. 😉

And that’s it for this week’s LWS comic. If you liked How Sweet, you’ll love Survival Mode. Tune in again soon for another new comic. Peace out LWS fans.