Welcome, welcome to another new LWS comic called “How to Deal With Your Emotions” [2022 Version]. How does one deal with 2022 emotionally? It just started and already it’s a sh*t show. Oh, I know– Bury any distressing emotion deep down, into your belly, and digest it. Let it stew and bubble, but don’t spill any, no one likes a hot mess. And then– Presto! All better. Remember to not show any emotion during these pressing times– it’s a weakness! You must hide behind your cell phone shield and fake, happy Insta-pics in order to survive! Haha. Sounds like a healthy coping mechanism to me. :p
Anyways, I hope you can pick up on the sarcasm from my ranting post. Please do deal with any emotions you may have in a healthy manner. I hope you liked How to Deal With Your Emotions, then why not check out my other LWS comics? I know you’ll love ’em. Or better yet, my PATREON page! Stay vigilant! 🙂
Hey ya LWS comic fans, I have a new Living With Stacy strip for you called “Obsessive Thinker.” For those of you who have been following LWS for awhile– thanks by the way 😉 — you’ve probably guessed that the “obsessive thinker” is none other than Stacy herself. Regardless, I think it’s safe to say that discussing certain topics before bed is not wise, for there is a risk of overstimulating your brain instead of getting that sweet dose of melatonin. 🙂
And now that we’re on the subject– Firetrucks (which are pretty cool btw) are actually water trucks. Lol! Can you believe it? Mind blown. XD What a neat little factoid, huh?
Anyways, that’s it for this week’s LWS comic. If you liked it, then of course, share on social media, and like. And also, why not join myPATREON? I know everyone is so tired of hearing people say that, but honestly, it helps me make even more LWS comics, and the support goes a long way. Plus you get sweet rewards, like full color comics, and advanced releases! For example, I just released this comic yesterday that you can only see by becoming a patron. Not bad, eh? Think about it. 😉
Hey there LWS fans, I have a new Living With Stacy strip for you today called “Inside Joke.” Stacy suddenly remembers that she has the most hilarious joke to tell Ryan– and apparently it is a really funny one. Ryan awaits in anticipation–while Stacy laughs to herself. She laughs so hard and sighs “So funny…” Talk about an inside joke! Will Ryan ever get to hear it? We may never know…
Anyways, that’s it for this week’s Living with Stacy comic strip. If you liked Inside Joke then check all my other ones. OR– better yet, become a Patron and get early releases and full color pages + other fancy rewards exclusive to Patreon! If you’re a fan please consider pledging support! 🙂
Hey there LWS fans, I have a new comic strip for you called “Constantly At Me.” Or for those savvy jokers out there, “Constantly @ Me.” LOL. This comic strip is literally word for word, all true. Stacy was frustrated (as impatient people tend to be) with all the Twitter notifications and push emails about every little thing. So she proclaimed out loud her hate for Twitter. When I asked “Why’s that?” She ingeniously responded with “Because it’s constantly @ me!”
I nearly fell over with laughter. What an awesome setup for an awesome joke. But then she frowned. “What!? It is!” and she slammed her laptop screen down in a rage.
I had thought she told the joke on purpose but it was 100% by accident. For those of you wondering, Twitter uses @ (at) handles to distinguish between users, so for example, @stacy or @ryan. So when she said “It’s constantly at me!” I thought for sure it was just an amazing joke. Boy, was Ryan wrong. lol.
Aw man….I guess the notifications were pretty aggressive. But you can always turn those off in user settings. Anyways, it was a fun time for me. Stacy also came around to her unintentional genius. 🙂
Anyways, that’s it for this weeks comic. If you liked today’s joke, then you’ll love my other comics like “Dressed Like That.”
Also, if you have a comic website, or you want to advertise to get your comic known more, definitely check out COMICAD.NET. It’s the best new thing in comic, arts and games advertising/publishing network. 😉