
Posts Tagged ‘modest’

Modest - Living With Stacy #156

Modest – Living With Stacy #156

LWS fans rejoice for I have a new comic strip ready for you called “Modest.” Stacy sits on Ryan’s lap and teases him in a seductive voice. Sounds like a recipe for love. However, it seems Ryan was more concerned with other matters, as he reveals his phone was the cause of all that hardness.

As usual Stacy’s attempt at being alluring ends up a little short. But hey, at least Ryan got a new message. Haha. A tip for any of my romantic readers out there. Sitting on your partner’s lap is almost a sure-fire way to get some love. Just make sure to wait until the phones are away for maximum effectiveness. 😉

Anyways, that’s it for this weeks lovey dovey comic. If you liked Modest than you’ll love Stacy’s other attempts to get some attention like Success and Sexy Fail. Peace out LWS fans.

P.S. For anyone interested in what Ryan does for a living, check out flapjackstudios.com.