
Posts Tagged ‘drive-thru’

Drive-Thrus Be Like

Quicklets – LWS Comics Done Fast

Hey there LWS fans. The ever growing COVID-19 outbreak is forcing a lot of us indoors. We must all self isolate and try to not go crazy in the process. There have been a lot of rules and regulations that make it a little more tough, but we all know it’s for the best. Surely the apocalypse has arrived. So what is one to do while self isolating?

I give you LWS QUICK-LETS! Living with Stacy comics done fast. Quick-lets are meant to be drawn rough and fast, and is a way for me to stave off cabin fever in a time of self isolation during the COVID-19 outbreak. I poke fun at some viral topics, but make no mistake, I take the current outbreak very seriously. That is why I must draw these comics, to balance it all out with a little bit of humor (and to de-stress).

Everyday I plan on drawing a new comic related to living life during the current COVID-19 outbreak. This includes topics mentioned above like self isolation and going a bit bananas. Or perhaps trying to go out for a loot run at the grocery store while wearing hazmat suits.

Today’s strip is about getting take-out at the drive thru. The six foot social distancing is now widely adopted, which is good. But have you ever had your food hurled at your car by a fast food worker in hopes to limit exposure? Yep, it happens. Just watch out for those hot drinks, like coffee. Ye-ouch.

Quick-lets are not released in any particular order like my main LWS strips, just the ones that come to me that day. Stay tuned for more soon. Remember to wash those hands, and stay healthy. 🙂