Hey there LWS fans, and welcome to another new Living With Stacy Quicklets called “Boredom Be Like–.” In today’s comic Ryan finds himself pining for pre-pandemic activities, like going to the movies. One I can relate to, and not just the movies either, but regular life in general (one where we don’t disinfect all our groceries). Stacy suggests doing some outdoor chores, which Ryan interrupts with a distracting yawn. “Better go have a nap.” Well played Ryan, well played. π
Speaking of “normal life”, what the hell is going on with the world? I draw and write up a comic about boredom, but let’s be honest, the world is not boring lately. It’s downright maddening. Let’s hope that in the coming weeks, everyone can sort this out, cops and the public (and the government) included.
I stand beside all of you. To all my fans, stay safe and healthy.
20. Well done. the hive mind is very powerful. unfortunately, the last puzzle is the hardest. and leads to something special. you might want to keep the final code to yourself. please come back on 6.15.2020 at 12pm est and begin the final journey. thank you for your participation. good luck. (BRAILLE).
More codes will be added as they are discovered. π
Welcome to “Roleplaying Be Like”, another new LWS QUICKLETS comic. You may have noticed, but we’ve been between a weird do we self-isolate or not place for some time. Now that it’s Summer time, that tension is even higher. Luckily, there is a fun little thing that everyone can do when stuck at home. And that is role playing.
Some of you may have tried this already. Lucky you. But for the rest of us, role playing can be tricky. You have to invent a cool persona and depending on the scenario, you have to stay in character and give your acting skills a work out. But if done right, it can be a wonderful distraction from all this self-isolation crap and insane world news.
In any case, whether you are good or bad at acting, give role playing a whirl. Because in the end, it’s the effort that really counts. And for the majority of us in self-isolation, we all know the rewards can be worth it. If you catch my drift. Happy Role Playing everyone! π
Hey all you Living With Stacy fans, I have another new LWS QUICKLETS for you called “Summer Be Like–“ That’s right, it’s almost Summer! And that means it’s time for a summer style joke! You ready? Okay. What happens when the general public meets loosened social restrictions…?
LOL. This was inspired by all those people who went to that park in Ontario. Some 1000 or so people trying to alleviate their cabin fever, all at the same time, packed into one pubic park! Yikes! This was just after the Provincial Government loosened some parks and beach restrictions. I guess when you give a little, you get A LOT! π
Here’s hoping no one there was actually sick, or had Covid-19. We can all acknowledge that mass gatherings and ignoring social distancing is reckless, but we don’t want anyone else getting sick.
If you liked this week’s LWS QUICKLET then you’ll most likely like my others like Mail Be Like–. Think smart and stay healthy. π
Hey y’all you Living With Stacy fans. I have another new LWS QUICKLETS comic for you called “Jokes Be Like.” In this one, Ryan is telling a masterpiece of a self-isolation joke. It is almost on the level of a dad joke, but just a bit more high brow. Lol.
Quaran-teens! Get it? Cuz they’re teens. Indeed, well done Ryan. I suspect he’ll have a few more jokes to tell in the future, so stay tuned for some good ones. Jokes after all, are a good way to alleviate stress. So I say, keep ’em coming. π
Well I hope you liked today’s gag, literally. Stay tuned for more. I plan on doing QUICKLETS until one, I run out of jokes or ideas, or two (which I really hope to be the case) the viral pandemic is over. If the stretch of time is going to be longer than we’d all like, I may ask for some of you for your self-isolation stories. Maybe some of them will get into a comic? Who knows.
Hey all you self isolating lovelies! I have a new LWS QUICKLETS comic for you called “Mail Be Like.” This one was inspired by true life events (like most of my comics) when checking the mail after what seemed like only a few days. In actuality is was 3 weeks or so, and the mail literally exploded out of the mailbox. Lol.
Come to think of it, we haven’t gotten the mail in a while again recently…has it been only a week, or has it been more? Honestly, when you’re self isolating, practicing social distancing, and singing Happy Birthday while washing your hands,Β time has a way of slipping one’s mind.
Have any of you had a similar situation? I’d love to hear your stories. Speaking of such, I’ve beenΒ looking for fan stories that relate to your own self isolation experiences. So far I’ve heard some great ones. They put a smile on my face so please keep them coming. IfΒ you’d like to share you stories and life snippits then head on over the Official LWS Facebook Page and post them there, or leave a comment below. Maybe even one might make their way into a comic, who knows.
Anyways, that’s it for now. Keep sane and stay healthy. π
Heyo, I have another new LWS Comic QUICKLET for you today called “Washing Hands Be Like.”Β So, how do washing hands be like during a viral pandemic? Well, in one word, difficult. Or in two words, time consuming. But how does one know how long to wash their hands for? Well it has been said online that the best way is to sing “Happy Birthday” to the end.Β Interesting no? Those news articles about washing hands gave me the inspiration for this strip.
I bet singing happy birthday while washing your hands is fun the first five times you do it….I can only imagine the mental anguish after the five time threshold. Luckily there are a lot of other songs of similar length to sing. Oh, you want to know them? Well I’m sorry, I actually don’t know any…So it’s happy birthday for me, every day, 15 times a day, 365 days a year. :0
Anyways, that’s it for this weeks’ strip. If you liked this one, then check out my other “Be Like” Quicklets. Ciao.
I have another LWS Quicklet for you all today called “Grocery Shopping Be Like.” Well, well, well…looks like we’re back at the grocery store, but this time it’s a bit different. Oh who am I kidding, grocery shopping during the pandemic is vastly different.
But even before all those new social distancing rules, the real issue (for me) is the feeling that I’m heading into the infected wastelands, like in in the Last of Us. Gotta lock and load your gear, and get ready for a loot run! π
To be realistic, it just feels like the amount of prep going grocery shopping is on the hazmat suit level. For instance, you gotta gear up. That means masks, disinfectants for the carts, grocery list in hand, and a solid plan of action. Then you have do all of that but not bump into anybody. After, you have to get home, disrobe, and disinfect all of your groceries. Lastly, you have to shower, then put away all of your groceries. DONE.
See what I mean? That is quite the process. Anyways, I hope you liked today’s QUICKLET. Make sure to come back and read more. And please, share, share, share!
Hey there LWS fans, I have another new QUICKLETS comic for you today called “Visiting Family Be Like.” As you many have ascertained from the title, this one is about visiting family. Specifically visiting family during the covid-19 pandemic. In some cases one can only talk through glass in order to see loved ones. Like many of you already know, while we must remain socially distant, we must also pass along our love to our relatives, and we as human beings have found all sorts of creative ways to do so.
However, just because there’s a pandemic doesn’t mean you are immune to parental observations. Like eating enough, or gaining weight. Haha.
Anyways, that’s it for this week’s comic strip. Please check out my other ones, such as Internets Be Like and all my other pandemic, self isolation themed gags. And please, share my comics. During these tough times, humor can help us heal.
Hey y’all, here’s another new LWS QUICKLET just for you called “Internets Be Like.” So how does the internets be like anyhow? Well, during self-isolation, the internet is a wonderful resource to curb boredom and cabin fever. It also is a little bit addicting, so during these hard times, one can find themselves online from 9:00am to 11:30pm. LOL.
And when online for such lengths, one can often discover very surprising things that they did not know before (as well as some eyestrain, get those blue light filters). My such revelation was a song by the Chemical Brothers called Salmon Dance. Have you heard of this song? Haha, it is hilarious and very 90s-esque.
Anyways, that’s it for today’s Quicklet, if you like these then share them around. We’re all in isolation together (figuratively), so let’s not go insane. Share my comics, spread it like…uh…like BUTTER. Yes, spread it like butter! π
Welcome to another new QUICKLET called “Relaxing Be Like.” It’s tough to relax during a viral outbreak, isn’t it? It’s also hard to chill while in self-isolation. The only saving grace from the constant infectious paranoia is knowing that everyone of your housemates is A-OKAY. Competely, COVID free— AHCHOOOO!
You know this happens to you. Someone sneezes, coughs and your mind instantly thinks, COVID!Β I find that even in self-isolation my mind goes there. Like for instance, when my cat suddenly has a coughing or sneezing fit. LOL. There’s a little bit of me that’s like…”Where have you been? Did you leave the quarantine zone?” Haha, but then I remember my kitty has allergies.
Anyways, that’s it for today’s QUICKLET comic. If you liked Relaxing Be Like, then check out any number of my other LWS Quicklets. Stay safe and healthy LWS fans.