Are you a master procrastinator? By which I mean, are you a master at procrastination? Procrastinating is the name of the game in today’s LWS comic. Stacy declares to complete her artwork and by the end of the day, but instead…she designs and builds a board game with he left over junk from the closet. Haha. Now that’s a Master Procrastinator!
Let’s get real for a second though, procrastination can be detrimental to ones creative self if not properly dealt with. It can lead to putting off things from artwork and emotional issues that need working on, to literal chores or homework. It’s not good…unless you can use it to your advantage.
First we need to know why we procrastinate. Then we try and fix those issues so next time we just “Jump right in” instead of putting it off. Great! Now that my “self” is out of the way, what about other people? How it can work to your advantage is simple. Say for example your significant other won’t do chores (like the dishes!) no matter what. Well, why not offer a worse and more difficult option so when they procrastinate, the dishes seem like a cake walk in comparison. They still get the feeling of putting something off while being productive.
One can even apply this method to artwork. Pick something impossible and intimidating to do, then instead do the thing you wanted to do in the first place. By comparison, it seems a lot easier now and with less pressure. Heck, one day why not tackle that impossible thing too? Hell yeah! One step at a time. Haha.
Anyhoo, I hope you liked today’s Living With Stacy comic. If you like, why not check out this other great LWS comic called “Stick With It.” It’s definitely in the category of procrastination. See ya next week!
Go Fund Me for Living With Stacy
P.S. Oh, I almost forgot. I have a GO FUND ME campaign for a Living With Stacy book that I’m printing. It features the first 100 LWS comics in an awesome first edition print of Living With Stacy! If you like my comic please head on over to my GO FUND ME page and support me. Even $1.00 matters! Thanks for your support!
Honesty is the best policy. That is the name of the game in this Living With Stacy Comic, LWS #94 – Honest. Stacy comes home from work only to find the house in disarray and Ryan in his underwear.
This is my second update of LWS on my brand spanking new website! I’m excited to be continuing LWS and I hope you are excited to read it. 🙂
You may of may not know but I update Living With Stacy on Saturdays now. So check back often on the weekend for a new LWS comic. Also feel free to check some of my older ones if you’re new to the website. If I’m being honest, may I suggest starting with Trick or Treat. It was the first LWS comic I drew the main character Ryan without glasses and I’ve stuck with the design since! I hope you enjoy it! I know I do. Haha. Honesty is the best policy after all.
In other news– I’m nearing 100 comics milestone soon. When I do reach that magical number I’ll announce another surprise, so stay tuned. Catch you on the Flipside LWS fans! Happy weekend!
Wow, what a long time it’s been, huh? I’ve decided to continue Living With Stacy starting with the newest comic strip, “One Job.”
Ryan has one job and one job only and that is to protect a piece of glass from breaking while Stacy is out. Will he do it? What obstacles lie in the way? Only when reading my comic will the answer reveal itself. Haha. What am I saying, if you’re reading this at all, you already know what happens. Ha, silly me.
Living With Stacy, or LWS for short, updates every Saturday and maybe some other days too, so come back often to lol at the latest comic strips! If you want to check out my previous comic then head on over to Living With Stacy # 92 – Noses.
Welcome back to another LWS thing. Today`s strip is about noses. More accurately, it is about nose puns! That`s word play boy! I say, boy! So get ready, cuz it`s about to get punny up in here!! Haha. Anyways, I hope you like this short and simple gag. Tune in soon for another great one. Laters.
Like this comic? Why not check a few more out while you’re at it like this one called Webcomic!
Living With Stacy, or LWS for short, updates every Saturday and maybe some other days too, so come back often to lol at the latest comic strips!
Author: Ryan J.S. Chandler of Flapjack Studios (c) 2018