Peeps wanna be hanging out but all we wanna do is zzzz. Haha. :p Yes, it’s that time again! Time for another cool LWS comic. Today’s comic strip is appropriately named “Hanging Out.” Ever get that feeling when invited out that the only thing you want to actually do, is stay home, in your underwear, watching Netflix until you fall asleep? Apparently a lot of people do! Going out takes energy– Batteries are drained at about 6:00pm let alone any time after that. I shudder to think… 8:00pm? *Shivers. LOL.
Seriously though, I find having a nap in the afternoon helps keep me game for hangs. Hm… GAME for HANGS. Sounds like a T-shirt. :0
Anyhoo– that’s it for this week’s LWS comic. If you liked Hanging Out, then please check out my PATREON where you can enjoy exclusive rewards like advanced pages and prints! Join the LWS FAN CLUB today and get free shipping in Canada– and a free Llama.
Hey LWS comic fans, I have a new hilarious strip for you called “Rock Paper Scissors.” Ryan and Stacy argue over which genre of movie to watch, Zombies or Aliens. Hitting an impasse, Ryan suggests a game of rock paper scissors. Whoever wins gets to pick the night’s movie. In the end, Stacy wins, as she so declares. Better luck next time Ryan. Haha.
In other news, I broke my toe. Yep, my pinky toe to be exact. I’ve been talking with a few people and they recommend buddy taping. However, my type of break was um, how should I put it bluntly…smashed in half. Yes, that’s it. It was bent in an “L” shape at 90 degrees from where it usually was. Ouch. So for these types of breaks, I guess it’s best to leave it free floating. I do have a boot brace for 8 weeks though, so pretty cool. Literally, very cold, my toes are freezing.
Also I have an alternate version of this comic to share. It’s more of an abridged version with a different visual gag. I can’t help but have to share it with you for giggles.
Anyhoo, that’s it for this week’s LWS comic. If you liked “Rock Paper Scissors” than you’ll love Movie Night and Nightmare. Both of which has mention of zombies and films. Ooo la la.
We have a great Living With Stacy comic for you today called “Make up your mind!” Starring Tori, our lovable, needy, Brown Siamese-tabby mix kitty! Woo, that’s a mouthful. Any of you cat owners out there should relate to this one. You know, when your cat (or cats) climb all over you meowing with purpose and want in their eyes, going back and forth, over and over until you think, “Make up your mind, already!”
In the coming comics there could be another kitty surprise. If you want more kitty action than check out one of my other cat related comics like Guilty Kitty or It’s Christmas.
Go Fund Me for Living With Stacy
I have a GO FUND ME campaign for a Living With Stacy book that I’m printing. It features the first 100 LWS comics in an awesome first edition print of Living With Stacy! If you like my comic please head on over to my GO FUND ME page and support me. Even $5.00 matters! Thanks for your support!