Faux Pas – Living With Stacy #195
Heyo there LWS fans, and welcome to another new LWS comic called “Faux Pas.” This one is especially funny. Have you ever been so comfortable with someone that you just blurt out the honest truth without giving it a second thought? Well, Ryan has. Ha! There are certain faux pas for relationships no matter how long you’ve been together. And bringing up you ex is one of them. Ryan immediately realizes this in the last panel. Haha, the poor chap.
On another note, it was Halloween last night. So from Ryan and Stacy and our cats Tori and Jeanie, we wish you a safe and happy Halloween!
Well, that’s it for this week’s comic. If you liked Faux Pas then please continue to like and share my other LWS comics. Happy Halloweening everyone. Try not to gorge on black licorice, it can upset you potassium levels. Yeah, pro tip from Ryan himself. Stay spooky!
Tags: comedy, Comics, cute, Living With Stacy, LWS, slice of life
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