Living With Stacy #136 – Stinky Kitty
Well hello again my fine LWS comic fans, I have a new strip for you called “Stinky Kitty.” As you may know the stinky kitty was in fact Ryan all along. Ryan let’s out a silent but deadly fart under the covers while Stacy reads peacefully. Little does she know that a waft of god-awful gas is headed her way. Suddenly, she coughs and gags at the stench. Panicking, Ryan blames the smell on Tori, claiming she has “farted.” And you know the age old saying “When you toot you get the boot!”
The last panel makes me laugh so much. I’m sure a lot farts get blamed on pets. How convenient, no? Those stinky little wieners. Haha. Always farting. Shame on them. 🙂
Anyways, that’s it for this weeks Living with Stacy comic strip. If you like this comic then you’ll love my other hilarious ones like Figure of Speech or The Pimple Popper.
Onto other exciting news. I’m in the process of printing Volume 01 of my Living with Stacy book! Those of you who supported the project will get a book! So look forward to that! I went with a printing company in Canada and I’m excited to get the Test Copy Proof in the mail. I’ll post more about the book soon. 🙂
Tags: cats, Comics, cute, kitten, Living With Stacy, LWS, slice of life, stinky kitty
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