A True Sagittarius – LWS Comics #220
Hey y’all, and welcome to the latest LWS comic strip called “A True Sagittarius.” That’s right, Stacy is in full on Sagittarius mode– First quitting her job out of the blue, and then signing up for a six month perma-culture internship without telling anyone. On top of that, she was accepted and is leaving TOMORROW! Haha. No issues there at all right? Well technically, no– as it’s all good news! What gumption, some might even say! But it is also good to let your loved ones know of such important decisions before hand. At least that’s what’s going through Ryan’s head in the last panel. Haha. :p
Anyways, A True Sagittarius and along with the Stacy at the office arc/series has been a blast to write and draw. If any of it is relatable to you, please like and share with your friends and family. Have yourselves a happy weekend! 🙂
Tags: comedy, Comics, cute, Living With Stacy, LWS, sagittarius, slice of life, work
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