LWS #124 - Good Example
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Living With Stacy #124 – Good Example

Heyo LWS comics fans, and welcome to another new strip called “Good Example.”  Tori bullies Jeanie while she attempts to drink from an oversized dish of water. Stacy scolds, “No bullying Jeanie! You have to set a good example, okay?” Tori retorts with another BAP on Jeanie’s head, plunging her into the water dish. Oh Tori…when will you learn that picking on something smaller than you is not nice. Just because Jeanie’s the Runt of the Litter, doesn’t make it okay. And who knows, she may be bigger than you one day…

So that’s it for today’s LWS comic. There are a few more in the “New Kitten” arc. So if you like cats and kitties, stay tuned for more strips. I am encouraged to write more text here and it fills up the space, but I’ve already said what I need to, so now I’m just rambling. I probably only need a few more words and I’ll hit that magic number. In fact, I have four minutes left on my spaghetti, so I guess I have to wrap it up. Stay tuned for the next  hilarious LWS comic.

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