It’s DRINKING WITH MILLENNIALS! That’s right, millennials drink, and talk and chat about important stuff. World changing stuff. We wanna save society– Sustainable farming is the future! Yeah! Haha. Seriously, it is though. 🙂
This one could of easily been called Evening Drinks VS Late Night Drinks. Ryan and Stacy start out by discussing some stark truths about worldly issues… and then divulge quickly into alien conspiracies when the liquor starts flowing. 😀 Throw in a tabletop game or two, some good friends and this is what I call, one hell of an evening! Maybe even bust out Mario Golf 64 for some multiplayer mayhem! Sound fun to you? Then you are probably a millennial. And that is not a bad thing. Not at all.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed DRINKING WITH MILLENNIALS. Make sure to check out my other Living With Stacy comics, and don’t forget to JOIN the LWS FAN CLUB over on my PATREON. There’s a ton of exclusive rewards on there, and LWS club members also get early access to comics before release, and in full color I might add. It’s super easy to pledge, so why help me with a coffee a day and pledge your support today. 🙂
Tags: cats, comedy, Comics, cute, Living With Stacy, LWS, slice of life
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