Epiphany - Living With Stacy #186
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Epiphany – Living With Stacy #186

Hey there LWS comic fans, I have another new strip for you called “Epiphany.” Ryan has an epiphany while sitting on the couch eating his favorite snack, Ringolos. Astounded and shocked, Stacy asks “What is happening, are you okay?” Ryan simply replies with an airiness to his voice, “If there was an apocalypse, we could raid an old dutch factory, and I could eat Ringolos everyday!”

Haha, and there you have it. A fine epiphany if there ever was one! 🙂 I mean come on guys, the apocalypse is upon us anyways, why not fantasize about where you and your gang are going to set up camp. An Old Dutch chip factory wouldn’t be so bad, huh? I bet the supplies there and all of the bagged snacks would last years. A mighty fine base camp, if I do say so myself. Not like those ice cream factories, bleh. They’d melt down the moment you lost power. :p

Anyways, that’s it for this weeks comic, if you liked it, then check out my LWS comic archive to read more. Or buy my book even.

Also, if you have a comic website, or you want to advertise to get your comic known more, definitely check out COMICAD.NET. It’s the best new thing in comic, arts and games advertising/publishing network. 😉

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