Some Good Advice - LWS Comics #248 - It's an internal battle of lactose proportions!
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Some Good Advice – LWS Comic #248

LWS – Some Good Advice. Stacy finds herself in the frozen section, eyeing a tempting dairy-filled treat. But she’s not alone! Her “brain” appears as a character, ready to dissuade her from making a lactose-filled mistake. It’s an internal battle of lactose proportions!

Despite Brain’s sensible plea to avoid the lactose attack, Stacy defiantly decides to throw caution to the wind. With mischievous determination, she places the dairy bomb into her shopping cart, a victorious smile spreading across her face as she dashes from the isle.

Disclaimer: The characters and events in Living with Stacy are entirely fictional. Please seek professional advice before embarking on any gastronomic adventures, especially if you’re lactose intolerant. Stay safe and enjoy the comic strip responsibly! Also check out my YT short Dance With Me.

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