Living With Stacy #150 – Jiggle Jiggle
Hey there and welcome to another new LWS comic called “Jiggle Jiggle.” In today’s comic strip shirtless Ryan jiggles his tummy and asks Stacy if he has gained a little weight. Stacy’s response of course is priceless. What starts out as a legitimate suggestion to judge weight gain turns out to be a ploy to see her chubby hubby naked. Haha. Readers, take note of this technique, it’ll get your partner naked faster than saying “Hey babe, get naked.” 😉
In other news, it’s soon Winter! No, don’t speak of Winter, we haven’t even celebrated Halloween yet. I hear ya, but I’ve put on about 15 pounds and that usually means only one thing. Winter’s coming. To recap, winter weight equals Wintertime.
Also, ever since Hurricane Dorian the power has been unstable where we live. A slight breeze knocks our power out and let me tell you, we get a lot of air flow around here.
Anyhoo, that’s it for this week’s strip. Stop by again soon. 🙂
Tags: comedy, Comics, cute, jiggle, Living With Stacy, LWS, sexy, slice of life
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Living With Stacy #152 - Shower - Living With Stacy Comic
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[…] it for this week’s comic. If you liked “Shower” than you’ll love Jiggle Jiggle. Catch you on the flipside. […]