Jokes Be Like
Hey y’all you Living With Stacy fans. I have another new LWS QUICKLETS comic for you called “Jokes Be Like.” In this one, Ryan is telling a masterpiece of a self-isolation joke. It is almost on the level of a dad joke, but just a bit more high brow. Lol.
Quaran-teens! Get it? Cuz they’re teens. Indeed, well done Ryan. I suspect he’ll have a few more jokes to tell in the future, so stay tuned for some good ones. Jokes after all, are a good way to alleviate stress. So I say, keep ’em coming. 🙂
Well I hope you liked today’s gag, literally. Stay tuned for more. I plan on doing QUICKLETS until one, I run out of jokes or ideas, or two (which I really hope to be the case) the viral pandemic is over. If the stretch of time is going to be longer than we’d all like, I may ask for some of you for your self-isolation stories. Maybe some of them will get into a comic? Who knows.
Anyways, catch you on the flipside.
Tags: comedy, Comics, cute, isolation, Living With Stacy, LWS, quicklets, self isolation, slice of life
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