Life with Cats – Sleeping VS Sleeping with Cats! Yep, you guessed it. It’s another comparison comic all about life with cats! If I may go out on a limb here– I’m guessing most of you are pet owners, and if I may be so presumptuous, I bet most of you own a furry feline (or two). As a connoisseur of kitties, you know all to well about the trials and tribulations of bed time (sleeping with cats). Be it meowing at the door, orΒ scratching the door frame to get your attention in the middle of the night. Or are you perhaps theΒ the adventurous type? Leaving the door wide open so your cats can walk in as the please…and all over your chest and/or on the top of your head by your pillow. Sometimes they just meow in your face– “Wake up Hooman! I’m hungry!” Either way, we all know what I mean. We are kindred spirits. It is our pet owners plight. Haha.
Anyways, if you liked Life with Cats – Sleeping VS Sleeping with Cats then please share and like it. Also, why not join the LWS FAN CLUB over on my PATREON. You can read pages that are weeks and weeks ahead of release. Some are even exclusive to Patreon only! So go take a look, even if it’s something you never have done before. Be brave my friendlies! Be brave! π
It’s time for another great comparison comiccalled When Ryan Met Stacy“1st Date VS 100th Date.” Can you spot the difference? If not, then you are perceptive! Some things never change. Like going pants off on your first date. Do you like going pants off on or after dates? Then congrats, you are very comfortable with yourself! Just make sure that your date doesn’t mind. π
If you liked 1st Date VS 100th Date, then you will love my other comparison comics. Check them out in the LWS Comic achieve. Also, fancy yourself a LWS fan? Then why not join the official LWS Fan Club over on Patreon. LWS fan club members get lots of exclusive rewards like comics, and early access to strips weeks ahead of release. Join the LWS Fan Club today! And as always, stay frosty. π
It’s DRINKING WITH MILLENNIALS! That’s right, millennials drink, and talk and chat about important stuff. World changing stuff. We wanna save society– Sustainable farming is the future! Yeah! Haha. Seriously, it is though. π
This one could of easily been called Evening Drinks VS Late Night Drinks. Ryan and Stacy start out by discussing some stark truths about worldly issues… and then divulge quickly into alien conspiracies when the liquor starts flowing. π Throw in a tabletop game or two, some good friends and this is what I call, one hell of an evening! Maybe even bust out Mario Golf 64 for some multiplayer mayhem! Sound fun to you? Then you are probably a millennial. And that is not a bad thing. Not at all.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed DRINKING WITH MILLENNIALS. Make sure to check out my other Living With Stacy comics, and don’t forget to JOIN the LWS FAN CLUB over on my PATREON. There’s a ton of exclusive rewards on there, and LWS club members also get early access to comics before release, and in full color I might add. It’s super easy to pledge, so why help me with a coffee a day and pledge your support today. π
Welcome to another great LWS comic called “Trendy Comparison Comic.” Yes, that’s right, today’s comic is jumping on the trend of comparison memes! And what better comparisons than that of relationships! So buckle down and get ready to experience our relationship vs most relationships. It’s self indulgent and a little cute! I hope you like it.
In other news, you should smash that JOIN PATREON button and become a LIVING WITH STACY SUPER FAN! That’s right, for as little as $5.00 USD you can gain early access to the newest strips and see them in glorious color! Don’t miss out, become a super fan today! π
Hello there my LWS fans, I have a new Living with Stacy comic for you today called “Second Opinion.” Stacy searches for the perfect outfit to wear just before going out. Unsure, she asks Ryan for a second opinion. He being the loving and supporting partner he is (albeit slightly impatient), he offers up some positive feedback. In fact, he “likes them all.” Satisfied with his response, Stacy settles on an outfit– The same thing she wears everyday…Perplexed and stunned, Ryan utters not a word…only a silent “WTF?” Haha. :p
I’m sure some of you reading can relate. Maybe you are good at fishing for compliments like Stacy here. Either way, if you liked today’s comic than check out my other LWS gags.
Also, if you want to JOIN the LWS FAN CLUB on PATREON— Head on over there and select a tier. For as little as $5 (US) you can gain early access to LWS strips ahead of release! It’s super easy to sign up, even your grandmother can do it! So become a SUPER FAN today. π
Hey there LWS fans, I have a new Living With Stacy strip for you today called “Inside Joke.” Stacy suddenly remembers that she has the most hilarious joke to tell Ryan– and apparently it is a really funny one.Β Ryan awaits in anticipation–while Stacy laughs to herself.Β She laughs so hard and sighs “So funny…” Talk about an inside joke! Will Ryan ever get to hear it? We may never know…
Anyways, that’s it for this week’s Living with Stacy comic strip. If you liked Inside Joke then check all my other ones. OR– better yet, become a Patron and get early releases and full color pages + other fancy rewards exclusive to Patreon! If you’re a fan please consider pledging support! π
Heyo LWS fans, I have a new Living With Stacy comic out today called “Potty Humor.” Aptly named, I know. π Ryan zooms to the bathroom to pee only to see Stacy claim the toilet before him for the same reason. He begs her to hurry up, but to Stacy’s surprise she starts pooping too. Prolonging Ryan’s agony. Haha.
Guys and gals, I have to ask, does this happen to you too? Does your significant other go for a number 1, but then all of a sudden, it turns into a number 2? How can you not know you have to go number 2? Are gals sphincters so pent up and un-relaxed that they can’t tell until sitting on the toilet? Or is an anatomy thing?Β Haha, comment below to let me know…or not, cuz it’s your private business after all. :p
Anyways, that’s it for this week’s comic strip. If you liked Potty Humor, you’ll love my other strips. So check them out. Also, if you are a fan, why not join the Living with Stacy fan club and patron me on my Patreon? It’s so easy, you pledge a certain amount each month, like $3, $5 or $7 and you get rewards every month for doing so. Not only do you support Living With Stacy, you will get up to 4 rewards per month, like colored comics, and advanced releases! So do me a solid and pledge to let me know you like my comics…or not, cuz it’s your wallet. ;p
Hey there LWS fans, I have a new comic out today called “She Must Never Know.” Ryan hides Wilson Other Stacy away in the closet. They had some fun times (apparently)…fun times that the real Stacy must never know of. Yes…She must never know the truth. This was a great conclusion to the Stacy’s internship arc. With the Other Stacy out of the way, the OG couple can get back to how things were before Stacy left. Will we ever see Broom Stacy again? Only time will tell…But imho, probably not. Haha.
That’s it for this week’s LWS comic strip. If you liked it, check out the others, and don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE and SHARE some more. Also, check out my PATREON for full color and advanced releases! Some rewards are only available on my Patreon, so consider supporting me if you are a fan. π
Hey there LWS Comic fans and welcome to another new strip called “The Other Stacy.” After a 6 month internship, Ryan and Stacy are finally reunited! But wait– what’s the creep thing in the corner, staring blankly out at us? Ryan quickly pushes Stacy backwards, disorienting Stacy for a brief moment, grabs the “creepy object” and darts out of the room. He clams he forgot to do something…Stacy is naturally a bit confused…Was that a broom dressed up like her? :0 Haha.
Anyways, that’s it for this week’s strip. If you liked The Other Stacy then please, and I do stress this, LIKE, SHARE and JOIN MY PATREON. It’s super cheap, $5.00 per month, and you get tons of rewards like advanced releases + full color pages! Right now, I have next week’s comic up already on my Patreon. Why not join and get ahead of the rest! π For reference, here are all my Living with Stacy tiers:
$3 Tier — FULL COLOR pages
$5 Tier — ADVANCED RELEASE pages + Full Colored pages!
$25 Tier — PICK & PRINT! Pick which pages I redraw and color + get a printable PDF! π
Stacy is finally reunitedwith Ryan– Wait– Who exactly is this hairy creature hissing at Stacy? Turns out it is in fact, Ryan after 6 months of isolation. Luckily, Stacy’s embrace calms him and melts away his feral exterior. She utters the words, “I missed you.” To which he replies, tears welling up, “I missed you too~”Β Aw… how sweet. The two reunited again. Hehe. π
I hoped you liked this week’s LWS comic strip. If you did, then please check out my other LWS comics. You can find them the LWS comic archive.
Also, don’t forget to check out my PATREON! I have full color comics only available through Patreon, and there is even a special tier that allows patrons to see ADVANCED RELEASES. That’s right– see pages ahead of everyone else and support the artist at the same time! It’s a win-win! And don’t forget to like and share! π