The Other Stacy – LWS COMICS #229
Hey there LWS Comic fans and welcome to another new strip called “The Other Stacy.” After a 6 month internship, Ryan and Stacy are finally reunited! But wait– what’s the creep thing in the corner, staring blankly out at us? Ryan quickly pushes Stacy backwards, disorienting Stacy for a brief moment, grabs the “creepy object” and darts out of the room. He clams he forgot to do something…Stacy is naturally a bit confused…Was that a broom dressed up like her? :0 Haha.
Anyways, that’s it for this week’s strip. If you liked The Other Stacy then please, and I do stress this, LIKE, SHARE and JOIN MY PATREON. It’s super cheap, $5.00 per month, and you get tons of rewards like advanced releases + full color pages! Right now, I have next week’s comic up already on my Patreon. Why not join and get ahead of the rest! 🙂 For reference, here are all my Living with Stacy tiers:
$3 Tier — FULL COLOR pages
$5 Tier — ADVANCED RELEASE pages + Full Colored pages!
$25 Tier — PICK & PRINT! Pick which pages I redraw and color + get a printable PDF! 🙂
Tags: comedy, Comics, cute, embarrassed, Living With Stacy, LWS, slice of life
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