
Posts Tagged ‘Comics’

Catnip - LWS Comics #162

Catnip – LWS Comic #162

Hey there LWS fans, I have another new hilarious strip called “Catnip” out for you today. As the title reveals, this one’s about cats and the ever so drug like substance, catnip. Anyone with felines knows how the story goes. 🙂

However, in today’s comic, Ryan would like to believe that it’s not always about the treasure, but the journey. You know, like all those awesome 80’s flicks. To quote my own words, “It’s about the adventure!” Add a British accent if you wish, for dramatic effect.

Alas, for our cat Tori, it may be more about the catnip than the adventure. Haha. Anyways, if you liked this week’s comic, then you’ll love my other cat themed ones like Happy Birthday and Battle Mode. Check back often for more great Living With Stacy strips.

Toboggan - LWS Comic #161

Toboggan – LWS Comic #161

Well hello there LWS comic fans, I have another new winter strip for you called “Toboggan.” First up, isn’t the word toboggan a weird one to say and spell? Haha. I do believe it is native Canadian word meaning a type of sled transport of the Cree and Innu.  Neat huh?  Anyways, I’ve always called it a toboggan, thus is the title of today’s comic.

Ryan and Stacy go sledding during the first winter’s snow. What fun! Gasp, but it looks like Ryan’s sled is heading right towards in unsuspecting toddler. What is he to do?  Well, I’ll tell you. Since this is a true story (some of my readers out there may recall this) I can remember it clearly.

I shouted and shouted for the kid to get out of the way, but he kept his oblivious pace into the path of my sled. At that point, I had two choices as I knew I was going to plow into him. One, jump out and have the sled still hit the kid, but with less force, or two (you may have guessed it), stay in the sled and try to grab the kid as I hit him.

I opted to grab the kid, but my calculations on the force were incorrect. The moment I hit the kid, he popped into the air and flew over my head. I raised my hands up and caught him mid air, then proceeded to sled the rest of the way down the hill.

It was obvious the kid had no idea what happened. I plopped him back on the ground and he walked on. I heard him cry for his mommy a half a minute later though. Anyways, I felt pretty good about my decision, and continued on my sledding spree. Fun times. 🙂

And that’ the story. If you liked “Toboggan” than you’ll love my other winter themed comics like Winter Time and I Have A Stick.

Stick – LWS Comic #160

Hey LWS fans, I have a new comic for you called “Stick.”  Stacy walks home from work one winter afternoon. Suddenly a kid runs up from behind proclaiming he has a stick. The rest, is as they say, history.

This was a story that Stacy told me one day when she arrived home from work. I thought it was so charmingly funny that I had to do a LWS comic about it.  I hope you all find it just as charmingly humorous.

Next time you see a kid with a stick beating up trees, remember this comic strip. Haha. Well that’s it for this weeks comic. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Years. 2020 is coming up fast, get ready baby!

If you liked “stick” then you’ll love my other winter themed gags, like Winter Time and Arbor. Happy Holidays yall. 🙂

depth perception - Living With Stacy #159

Depth Perception – Living With Stacy #159

Hey everyone, here’s a new LWS comic for you called “Depth Perception.” Ryan tosses a ball up and down and informs Stacy that if he shuts one eye, his depth perception worsens. Stacy intrigued where this conversation might go indulges Ryan. “Oh yeah?” She says. “Yeah,” Ryan responds as he shuts one eye and tosses the ball in the air. The rest, is how we say, history. Ha.

I should advice all your LWS fans out there to not try this at home, but if you do, please be safe. You could get a black eye. Haha.

Anyways, that’s it for this weeks comic strip. If you liked this one then you’ll love Modest. Need a cool thing designed or drawn? Check out flapjackstudios.com.

Celiac - Living With Stacy #158

Celiac – Living With Stacy #158

Hey there LWS fans, I have a new comic strip for you today called “Celiac.” Ryan happily enjoys a yummy ham sandwich. But little does he know that the  ham sandwich has a dirty little secret…A dirty gluten secret. Oh no! Stacy gasps “Is that my whole wheat ham sandwich?”  Looks like Ryan has ingested some of that dreaded wheat. What’s a celiac to do?

Now I want to get something very clear. This ain’t no gluten free fad or intolerance. This is straight up, in the genes celiac disease. Yikes. But maybe just one bite wouldn’t be that bad? Maybe it could sneak by the intestines many villi and immune system? Wrong. Haha.

Anyways, that is the life of a celiac. 😉 I hope you liked this week’s comic. If you did, why not check out other food related LWS strips like It’s All Yours and Takeout.

Cursed - Living With Stacy Comic #157

Cursed – Living With Stacy #157

Hey there LWS comic fans and welcome to another new relatable strip called “Cursed.” Stacy is having one of those days. You know, the days where nothing goes right and the very fact that you try to make it work and prevail the worse and worse it gets? Those kind of days. Curse those cursed days. Haha.

I know a lot of you can relate. Maybe it’s all this mercury retrograde talk…or maybe not. In any case, it’s best to push on through days like that the best you can.

Anyways, that’s it for this week’s hilarious LWS comic. If you liked “Cursed” then you’ll love other chores gone wrong strips like Rock Paper Scissors and Round Two. 🙂

P.S. Also Christmas is coming up and nothing makes a more awesome and super unique Xmas gift than a Living With Stacy Book! You can get the book by contacting me, the author.  Books are $15.00 each plus $5.00 shipping. If you live close to me then shipping is free. For all you other lovelies out there, the LWS book will be available in chapters and amazon.ca soon, so stay tuned!

Modest - Living With Stacy #156

Modest – Living With Stacy #156

LWS fans rejoice for I have a new comic strip ready for you called “Modest.” Stacy sits on Ryan’s lap and teases him in a seductive voice. Sounds like a recipe for love. However, it seems Ryan was more concerned with other matters, as he reveals his phone was the cause of all that hardness.

As usual Stacy’s attempt at being alluring ends up a little short. But hey, at least Ryan got a new message. Haha. A tip for any of my romantic readers out there. Sitting on your partner’s lap is almost a sure-fire way to get some love. Just make sure to wait until the phones are away for maximum effectiveness. 😉

Anyways, that’s it for this weeks lovey dovey comic. If you liked Modest than you’ll love Stacy’s other attempts to get some attention like Success and Sexy Fail. Peace out LWS fans.

P.S. For anyone interested in what Ryan does for a living, check out flapjackstudios.com.


My Hero - Living With Stacy #155

My Hero – Living With Stacy #155

Hey LWS fans, and welcome to another new strip called “My Hero.” Heroes Ryan and Stacy arrive on scene to battle the dastardly and dirty dish brigade! Will the triumph over dirt? Well, turns out it was all in Ryan’s head and how he perceives doing the dishes.  In a way, it is pretty heroic to do household chores. Maybe he’s onto something. And hey, who doesn’t love a spouse gettin’ down and dirty?  :p

You’ll notice in My Hero that the imagination part is all in color! Does Ryan think in only color? Mind blown! Well, actually I just wanted an excuse to try and add some full color to Living With Stacy.  Let me know what you think?  Oh, and for those of you that wondered if Stacy’s hair was blonde or brown, just keep in mind, that’s her super hero persona.

Anyways, that’s it for this week’s comic, if you liked My Hero, then you’ll love Shower. I’ll talk to you all soon LWS fans.

Round Two - Living With Stacy #154

Round Two – Living With Stacy # 154

Welcome back LWS comic fans, I have a new hilarious strip for you called “Round Two.” Ryan and Stacy argue about who’s turn it is to do the dishes. A classic married argument if there ever was one. Ryan says it’s Stacy’s turn, and Stacy retorts with a “Nuh uh, I did it last time.” So what are two sensible adults to do in a situation like this?  Play rock paper scissors of course!  Round two, begin!

And we all see how that works out for Ryan. Maybe next time. ;p

Anyhow, if you liked this week’s living with stacy comic, you’ll love How to Get His Attention. Well LWS fans, I’ll be seeing you. Stay tuned for another great LWS adventure soon. Peace out my lovelies. 🙂

For anyone who wants to check out my web stuff, head on over to flapjackstudios.com.

Rock Paper Scissors - Living With Stacy Comic #153

Living With Stacy #153 – Rock Paper Scissors

Hey LWS comic fans, I have a new hilarious strip for you called “Rock Paper Scissors.” Ryan and Stacy argue over which genre of movie to watch, Zombies or Aliens.  Hitting an impasse, Ryan suggests a game of rock paper scissors. Whoever wins gets to pick the night’s movie. In the end, Stacy wins, as she so declares. Better luck next time Ryan. Haha.

In other news, I broke my toe. Yep, my pinky toe to be exact. I’ve been talking with a few people and they recommend buddy taping. However, my type of break was um, how should I put it bluntly…smashed in half. Yes, that’s it. It was bent in an “L” shape at 90 degrees from where it usually was. Ouch. So for these types of breaks, I guess it’s best to leave it free floating. I do have a boot brace for 8 weeks though, so pretty cool. Literally, very cold, my toes are freezing.

Also I have an alternate version of this comic to share. It’s more of an abridged version with a different visual gag. I can’t help but have to share it with you for giggles.

Rock paper scissors LWS Comic Couples Fights Movies

Anyhoo, that’s it for this week’s LWS comic. If you liked “Rock Paper Scissors” than you’ll love Movie Night and Nightmare. Both of which has mention of zombies and films. Ooo la la.