
Posts Tagged ‘covid-19’

Grocery Shopping Be Like

Grocery Shopping Be Like

I have another LWS Quicklet for you all today called “Grocery Shopping Be Like.” Well, well, well…looks like we’re back at the grocery store, but this time it’s a bit different. Oh who am I kidding, grocery shopping during the pandemic is vastly different.

But even before all those new social distancing rules, the real issue (for me) is the feeling that I’m heading into the infected wastelands, like in in the Last of Us. Gotta lock and load your gear, and get ready for a loot run! 🙂

To be realistic, it just feels like the amount of prep going grocery shopping is on the hazmat suit level. For instance, you gotta gear up. That means masks, disinfectants for the carts, grocery list in hand, and a solid plan of action. Then you have do all of that but not bump into anybody. After, you have to get home, disrobe, and disinfect all of your groceries. Lastly, you have to shower, then put away all of your groceries. DONE.

See what I mean? That is quite the process. Anyways, I hope you liked today’s QUICKLET. Make sure to come back and read more. And please, share, share, share!

Visiting Family Be Like

Visiting Family Be Like

Hey there LWS fans, I have another new QUICKLETS comic for you today called “Visiting Family Be Like.” As you many have ascertained from the title, this one is about visiting family. Specifically visiting family during the covid-19 pandemic. In some cases one can only talk through glass in order to see loved ones. Like many of you already know, while we must remain socially distant, we must also pass along our love to our relatives, and we as human beings have found all sorts of creative ways to do so.

However, just because there’s a pandemic doesn’t mean you are immune to parental observations. Like eating enough, or gaining weight. Haha.

Anyways, that’s it for this week’s comic strip. Please check out my other ones, such as Internets Be Like and all my other pandemic, self isolation themed gags. And please, share my comics. During these tough times, humor can help us heal.