My Hero – Living With Stacy #155
Hey LWS fans, and welcome to another new strip called “My Hero.” Heroes Ryan and Stacy arrive on scene to battle the dastardly and dirty dish brigade! Will the triumph over dirt? Well, turns out it was all in Ryan’s head and how he perceives doing the dishes. In a way, it is pretty heroic to do household chores. Maybe he’s onto something. And hey, who doesn’t love a spouse gettin’ down and dirty? :p
You’ll notice in My Hero that the imagination part is all in color! Does Ryan think in only color? Mind blown! Well, actually I just wanted an excuse to try and add some full color to Living With Stacy. Let me know what you think? Oh, and for those of you that wondered if Stacy’s hair was blonde or brown, just keep in mind, that’s her super hero persona.
Anyways, that’s it for this week’s comic, if you liked My Hero, then you’ll love Shower. I’ll talk to you all soon LWS fans.