Saturday Night - LWS Comic #190
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Saturday Night – LWS Comic #190

Make sure to listen to the Heavenly Choir sound effect to get the full experience. 🙂

Hey there LWS fans, I have a new comic for you called “Saturday Night.” What do mid-thirties folk do on a Saturday night after a long hard week of work, chores, and sighs? Concoct a double-decker pizza burger, that’s what! None of this, “going out” nonsense. None of this “partying” scene. Human interaction? Who needs it! It’s all about the food! And not just any old food. Junk food that has been combined to make an even more junkier food!

This was inspired by my IRL Saturday night. Stacy and I had just eaten an entire pizza each. And instead of satiating my hunger, I started to fantasize about having a hamburger too with even more pizza! LOL. My poor sodium levels. Why would I want a greasy burger after eating an entire pizza? Only on a Saturday night.

Anyways, that’s it for this week’s comic. Check out my other strips if you like this one. Happy weekend!

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