Welcome to another new LWS comic called “Detour.” Stacy promises Ryan a drive to the Games Store but on the way takes a little detour. Where in the world are they going? Well since you read the comic and are now reading this very sentence I can assume that you know it’s the pet store. Yes, Stacy has taken Ryan to the pet store. But why did Stacy misdirect Ryan about the Video Games Store? Why didn’t she just go alone? Why indeed…You’ll have to tune in next week to find out!
So it’s pretty late here- I spent all day drawing today’s LWS comic, so I’m fresh out of funky words to write here. Let’s see…do any of my lovely LWS fans have pets? Cats, or dogs? Let me know in the comments section. Really, feel free to leave a comment. I’d love to know who’s reading, and what you think might happen next. Perhaps the comic is relatable to you and/or your loved ones. So yeah, comment away and don’t forget to check back next week. 😉
If you liked this week’s LWS comic than you’ll love this one called “Let Me In.” It’s kinda of the start of this mini arc I’ve got going on.
Hey LWS comic fans, and welcome to a new strip called “All Night Long.” This one’s a bit of a pun, as we see Ryan and Stacy try and ease their cat Tori’s lonely heart by turning on music from the radio during the night. However, things don’t go as smoothly as either of them hoped. Damn you useful and false hope giving internet! Damn you!.
The “pun” in All Night Long comes from the Song by AC/DC and the fact that it was indeed an all night thing. I hope you loved this week’s comic. I know I loved making it. Even though it’s a Saturday night and I am posting this at…let’s see…11:45[pm. Haha, oh comic creating. :p
If you’re interested in the AC/DC song, you can check out the youtube video. I mean, I’m pretty sure you know the song, but hey, if there’s a small chance that you don’t, then by all means, check it out.
If you liked this week’s comic then you’ll definitely loved my other LWS comic strips. Feel free to check them out and even give them a share or two on Facebook or Twitter.
Heyo Living With Stacy fans and welcome to another new comic called “Let Me In.” In today’s strip we see Tori serenade her owners all night long in an attempt to convey, “Let me in!” Haha. But how long can a can meow at the door? She can’t possibly yowl much longer, right? WRONG! Ryan and Stacy soon let Tori in for some lovin’s much to their annoyance.
It’s kinda funny…Anyone who’s been in this situation before, i.e. any cat owner ever, goes through a similar thought process in which the meowing outside the door isn’t enough to justify getting out of your warm, cozy bed. It’s only hours later when you realize, “Oh my god, I’ve been awake for 3 hours!” and start screaming “SHUT UP!” into the night so loud the neighbors think you’re in dire trouble. Aw…aren’t cats just adorable.
Hey Living With Stacy fans and welcome to a new comic called “Arbor.” What’s an arbor you ask? If you don’t know then you have something in common with me, Ryan. Haha, that is until my loving and knowledgeable filled me in on the world of arbors. An arbor is essentially a man made (and sometimes not) archway of trees. It’s also a lot of other nature-ish stuff. But you get it.
I was a little late getting this comic up so it’s out today (Sunday). If you’re reading this later than if I didn’t tell you that bit of info, you’d never know the difference. Haha. But hey, ya gotta put something down here for people to read, right? If you are enjoying my Winter comics, tis the season after all, then you will definitely love my other winter wonders, like “Pot Holes.”
Go Fund Me for Living With Stacy
I have a GO FUND ME campaign for a Living With Stacy book that I’m printing. It features the first 100 LWS comics in an awesome first edition print of Living With Stacy! If you like my comic please head on over to my GO FUND ME page and support me. Even $1.00 matters! Thanks for your support!
Hey LWS fans, I have a new comic out today called “Back in Fashion.” Ryan finds an old pear of distressed jeans from the 90’s. Stacy urges him to try them on and although it’s a tight fit, Ryan manages to squeeze into them. Little does he know that the back end has ripped open and flaunts his sexy self in front of the bedroom mirror. “What’s the verdict?” Ryan asks. to which Stacy replies, “I think your jeans might be a little too distressed.” End scene. And that my friends is how you do a bum joke. Haha.
Well I hope you liked this week’s bum joke. It was inspired by the return of 90’s fashion…and let’s face it, not all 90’s clothes are back in fashion. Some styles should stay hidden forever. Well, what about distressed jeans? Nah. They’re cool. Right up there with my FUBU T-shirt and faux gold chain. 😉
Go Fund Me for Living With Stacy
I have a GO FUND ME campaign for a Living With Stacy book that I’m printing. It features the first 100 LWS comics in an awesome first edition print of Living With Stacy! If you like my comic please head on over to my GO FUND ME page and support me. Even $1.00 matters! Thanks for your support!
Hey LWS fans, I have a new comic out today called “Me Time.” In the words of Hagrid from Harry Potter, “I should not have said that, I should not have said that.” That’s what Ryan is feeling after giving Stacy some choice advice during her after work Me Time. Come on Ryan, don’t you know ’bout Me Time? Don’t you know how it works? Haha. Luckily, Ryan scurries off to bed before getting into more trouble.
That’s it for this week’s comic. If you liked the comic then please share it and tell your loved ones. LWS is something I feel like everyone should experience and sharing is the best way to reach new eyes. Thanks. I’ll see you next time. 🙂
Go Fund Me for Living With Stacy
I have a GO FUND ME campaign for a Living With Stacy book that I’m printing. It features the first 100 LWS comics in an awesome first edition print of Living With Stacy! If you like my comic please head on over to my GO FUND ME page and support me. Even $1.00 matters! Thanks for your support!
Heyo LWS fans, I have a new comic out today called “Pretty Little Chicken.” Weird title for sure, but as you may know, Ryan has a soft spot for chicken. Specifically cooking and eating chicken. So much so that he serenades his “featherless friend” with compliments before popping it into the oven. Things don’t go as planned however, as the chicken soon slips from his hands and onto the floor ( a filthy one I might add). Poor Ryan. Poor pretty little chicken.
I hope you liked this weeks comic. I had fun drawing it. 🙂 In other news, my GOFUNDME campaign is doing well, with over half of my goal funded already. Please check it out and feel free to contribute to the printing of LWS Volume 01. Liked this weeks strip? Then check out more chicken related comics.
Hey yo LWS fans and welcome to a new Living With Stacy comic called “Bad Radish.” Ryan arrives home and happily quotes a funny idiom. “I’m back like a bad rash!” Stacy hilariously misinterprets it and the rest is comic, comedy gold. I hope you liked Bad Radish!
Funny thing is, Stacy doesn’t even like radishes. But hey, visually they are quite funny. If I stop and think about it…Do I like radishes? Hm. What even is it? Well fear not, I have a directly quote exert from Wikipedia to help explain.
“The radish (Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus) is an edible root vegetable of the Brassicaceae family that was domesticated in Europe in pre-Roman times. Radishes are grown and consumed throughout the world, being mostly eaten raw as a crunchy salad vegetable. They have numerous varieties, varying in size, flavor, color, and length of time they take to mature. Radishes owe their sharp flavor to the various chemical compounds produced by the plants, including glucosinolate, myrosinase, and isothiocyanate. They are sometimes grown as companion plants and suffer from few pests and diseases. They germinate quickly and grow rapidly, smaller varieties being ready for consumption within a month, while larger daikon varieties take several months. Another use of radish is as cover or catch crop in winter or as a forage crop. Some radishes are grown for their seeds; daikon, for instance, may be grown for oil production. Others are used for sprouting.”
For other vegetable shenanigans, check out “The Date.”
Hey LWS fans I have a holiday themed comic strip out today called “Christmas Surprise. 🙂 Have a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Years!
That’s it for this post. Not much else in news. 2019 is just around the corner so I have a bunch of new resolutions to fulfill. Some missed the 2018 boat, and some were achieved! My GOFUNDME for a Living With Stacy book is just about have way there! That’s good news seeing how I’ve yet to really push the campaign. I couldn’t have gotten this far with all of you LWS fans, so thank you for your support. The books are a comin’! See you in the new year!
Hello LWS fans, I have a new comic out today called “Pot Holes”. Not much to say other than I like this one. But let’s be clear, I don’t like pot holes. Christmas is coming up so I’m going to keep this post short and sweet. Merry Xmas everyone. I’ll see you with another LWS comic after the bid day. Also, if you like xmas comics than check out my other holiday themed strip called “Present.”
I’ll leave you with an exert about potholes quoted directly from Wikipedia. “A pothole is a structural failure in a road surface, usually asphalt pavement, due to water in the underlying soil structure and traffic passing over the affected area. Water first weakens the underlying soil; traffic then fatigues and breaks the poorly supported asphalt surface in the affected area. Continued traffic action ejects both asphalt and the underlying soil material to create a hole in the pavement.”
Go Fund Me for Living With Stacy
I have a GO FUND ME campaign for a Living With Stacy book that I’m printing. It features the first 100 LWS comics in an awesome first edition print of Living With Stacy! If you like my comic please head on over to my GO FUND ME page and support me. Even $5.00 matters! Thanks for your support!
Hello, and welcome to the official Living With Stacy website! You may be wondering what this Living With Stacy comic is all about. Well allow me to shed some light on the subject. Living with Stacy is a modern, slice of life, comedy comic about the everyday routines and struggles of a happy, young couple living with OCD. Join Ryan and Stacy (and their two cats) as they attempt to comfortably coexist, love each other and push through life in hilarious and relatable ways! To quote some random awesome guy on the internet, "LWS is cute, adorable and fun for everyone, even your cats!" Wow, thanks random awesome guy!
The creator of LWS wants to show you that having OCD, or a partner with OCD isn't the end of the world. While dating someone with obsessive compulsive disorder does provide some unique (and occasionally funny) challenges, it can also be normal, loving and warm, just like any other healthy relationship. :)
Living With Stacy is now being printed in the Advance, a local newspaper from my hometown. The Advance is a faction of TC Media which publishes papers across Canada. Anywhere from Halifax, Nova Scotia right to Vancouver, BC. I'm super excited to be a part of it. Keep an eye out for LWS strips in your local newspaper and of course, please continue to enjoy the comic on my website.
Living With Stacy, or LWS for short, updates every Saturday so come back often to lol at the latest strips! To learn more about LWS please check out the About Section. If you're interested in Flapjack Studios' other comic works you can check out Rankless the Comic and its Comic Archive.