
Posts Tagged ‘Living With Stacy’

Spotless - LWS Comic #188

Spotless – LWS Comic #188

Hey there LWS comic fans, I have another great one today called “Spotless.” Ryan notices the apartment is spotless, perfectly ordered and clean…and also a mysterious hacking in the background. Sniffles, coughs and sneezes too. What could this all mean? He soon finds Stacy sweeping in the living room and quips “Why do you always clean the apartment when you’re sick?” To which she replies, “SPITE!” Ha.

Yes, if you hadn’t realized it already, Stacy likes to spitefully clean everything around her when she feels ill. The more sick she is, the more deep the clean. Because being sick can go screw itself! Right? That is spite alright! LOL. It is quite something to behold. Anyways, if you liked Spotless, then check out my other LWS comics. You can find them in the comic archive.

Also, if you have a comic website, or you want to advertise to get your comic known more, definitely check out COMICAD.NET. It’s the best new thing in comic, arts and games advertising/publishing network. 😉

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Shortcomings - LWS Comic #187

Shortcomings – LWS Comic #187

Hey there LWS fans, I have another new LWS comic for you aptly called, “Shortcomings.” Yes, it would seem that our beloved Stacy has a “little” problem with um…well being tall enough to reach the garbage bags on the top cupboard shelf. Any of your shorties out there know the struggle, I’m sure. 🙂

In other related news, I had to spend the better half of the morning debugging my site. Bleh, I couldn’t due anything without my site messing up. The good news is that I fixed it, for the most part, and can post again. I also have an eye headache today that seems to be linked to poor posture, and neck related stiffness. Jeez, huh? Gonna go get me some massages. LOL.

Seriously though, consider my Patreon page. Not even for “EXCITING NEW CONTENT!” No no, just Patreon me so I can keep drawing Living With Stacy without eye headaches. Patreon me for getting massages so I can comfortably draw! Thanks in advance you lovely LWS fans, you Well, that’s it for this week comic strip. If you liked “Shortcomings” then check out my other ones too. You can find them in the LWS comic archive. And please, share, share share! 🙂

Also, if you have a comic website, or you want to advertise to get your comic known more, definitely check out COMICAD.NET. It’s the best new thing in comic, arts and games advertising/publishing network. 😉

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Epiphany - Living With Stacy #186

Epiphany – Living With Stacy #186

Hey there LWS comic fans, I have another new strip for you called “Epiphany.” Ryan has an epiphany while sitting on the couch eating his favorite snack, Ringolos. Astounded and shocked, Stacy asks “What is happening, are you okay?” Ryan simply replies with an airiness to his voice, “If there was an apocalypse, we could raid an old dutch factory, and I could eat Ringolos everyday!”

Haha, and there you have it. A fine epiphany if there ever was one! 🙂 I mean come on guys, the apocalypse is upon us anyways, why not fantasize about where you and your gang are going to set up camp. An Old Dutch chip factory wouldn’t be so bad, huh? I bet the supplies there and all of the bagged snacks would last years. A mighty fine base camp, if I do say so myself. Not like those ice cream factories, bleh. They’d melt down the moment you lost power. :p

Anyways, that’s it for this weeks comic, if you liked it, then check out my LWS comic archive to read more. Or buy my book even.

Also, if you have a comic website, or you want to advertise to get your comic known more, definitely check out COMICAD.NET. It’s the best new thing in comic, arts and games advertising/publishing network. 😉

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Have I Told You - Living With Stacy #185

Have I Told You – Living With Stacy #185

Heyo LWS fans, how are this fine Saturday morning? I have a new comic for you called “Have I Told You.” Stacy slinks over to Ryan with a message of love. “Have I told you how much I love you lately?” Aw, how sweet. But not all is what it seems as Stacy reaches downwards…Oh no you don’t. Ryan smacks Stacy’s hand, dropping his slice of pizza to the table. Looks like Stacy was after more than just some romance. But I suppose pizza is the next best thing. 🙂

Anyways, that’s it for this weeks comic. If you liked it, then please check out my other LWS comics.

Also, if you have a comic website, or you want to advertise to get your comic known more, definitely check out COMICAD.NET. It’s the best new thing in comic, arts and games advertising/publishing network. 😉

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Tongue Twister - LWS Comic #184

Tongue Twister – LWS Comic #184

Hey there LWS fans, I have a new comic for you today called “Tongue Twister.” Ah, you guessed it, today’s comic is about a tongue twister. A doozy in fact. Ryan challenges Stacy, the self proclaimed QUEEN OF PRONUNCIATION, to an undo-able Tongue Twister. The infamous IRISH WRIST WATCH. She easily dismisses the challenge at first, but soon realizes it is harder than first anticipated. In fact, the more worked up you get trying to say it, the funnier it gets.

Seriously, try to say “IRISH WRIST WATCH” three times fast. If you have a funny bone in your body, you’ll start laughing at your gibberish. Haha. Sometimes even slowing it down to pronounce it correctly screws up your mouth words. It is too hilarious. Pair this challenge with the fact that Stacy is super competitive, and you have a recipe for lolz.

Anyways, that’s it for this week’s comic strip. If you liked it, then please check out ALL MY OTHER COMICS. Or buy my book. 🙂 Have fun practicing tongue twisters!

Also, if you have a comic website, or you want to advertise to get your comic known more, definitely check out COMICAD.NET. It’s the best new thing in comic, arts and games advertising/publishing network. 😉

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Fish Sticks - LWS Comic #183

Fish Sticks – LWS Comic #183

Heyo LWS comic fans, and welcome to another hilarious strip by yours truly, called “Fish Sticks.” Stacy has one thing on her mind, and one thing only. And that thing is FISH STICKS! Another true story, although people that may know Stacy might not realize it. Haha. But yes, this is a true story. In a lot of cases, at random, during any time of day, if you ask Stacy a question, she may will respond with two words, fish sticks. She can do this up to 15 times a day. LOL.

I know, it’s weird, cute, and quirky. What makes it even more funny and perhaps even a little peculiar, is that Stacy can’t eat fish at all. Kinda allergic…So a convenient battered stick form is out of the question too. Never the less, it is her go to phrase and goes on for days.

So yeah, now you all know a little more about Stacy that previously, only I was privy to. You’re welcome. 🙂

That’s it for this week’s comic strip, if you happen to like my comics, then please check out my other ones like “Constantly @ Me.”

Also, if you have a comic website, or you want to advertise to get your comic known more, definitely check out COMICAD.NET. It’s the best new thing in comic, arts and games advertising/publishing network. 😉

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Constantly At Me - Living With Stacy #182

Constantly At Me – Living With Stacy #182

Hey there LWS fans, I have a new comic strip for you called “Constantly At Me.” Or for those savvy jokers out there, “Constantly @ Me.”  LOL.  This comic strip is literally word for word, all true. Stacy was frustrated (as impatient people tend to be) with all the Twitter notifications and push emails about every little thing. So she proclaimed out loud her hate for Twitter. When I asked “Why’s that?” She ingeniously responded with “Because it’s constantly @ me!”

I nearly fell over with laughter. What an awesome setup for an awesome joke. But then she frowned. “What!? It is!” and she slammed her laptop screen down in a rage.

I had thought she told the joke on purpose but it was 100% by accident. For those of you wondering, Twitter uses @ (at) handles to distinguish between users, so for example, @stacy or @ryan. So when she said “It’s constantly at me!” I thought for sure it was just an amazing joke. Boy, was Ryan wrong. lol.

Aw man….I guess the notifications were pretty aggressive. But you can always turn those off in user settings. Anyways, it was a fun time for me. Stacy also came around to her unintentional genius. 🙂

Anyways, that’s it for this weeks comic. If you liked today’s joke, then you’ll love my other comics like Dressed Like That.”

Also, if you have a comic website, or you want to advertise to get your comic known more, definitely check out COMICAD.NET. It’s the best new thing in comic, arts and games advertising/publishing network. 😉

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Dressed Like That - Living With Stacy #181

Dressed Like That – Living With Stacy #181

Hey there LWS fans, I have another new comic for you called “Dressed Like That.” In today’s comic Ryan is invited for a home-cooked meal at his loving parents house. But he may have arrived a little under dressed… Actually, he definitely did. You may have guessed it, but Ryan is in his boxers yet again! Haha. I beleive after this incident, Ryan will think twice before wearing boxers as regular attire again. Although…I’m currently writing this post while wearing boxers myself. Lol. And I must say, I’m quite comfortable. :p

For those of you wondering, this one was a true story. I did in fact accidentally flash my parents after boasting that my junk was secure in my trousers…Oh me. Haha.

Welp, that’s it for this week’s LWS comic. If you liked Dressed Like That, you’ll love my other comics like “Flop.” If you happen to be a comic creator yourself, you should check out COMICAD NETWORK. Later gators.

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Flop - Living With Stacy #180

Flop – Living With Stacy #180

Heyo Living With Stacy fans, and welcome to another new comic strip called “Flop.” Aptly named, Flop starts off with Stacy catching Ryan doing laundry in his underwear. What’s wrong with that you ask? Well, nothing really, except the fact that it’s the apartment floors public laundromat. Lol.

This was kind of a true story, Ryan I tend to do this from time to time, as certain family members can attest to. :p  Of course, this may not be the only time Ryan “flashes” someone. Stay tuned for more comics of this “nature” in the future.

Oh, a neat little thing– I find censorship to be funny in some cases, this comic included. But you know, that means that somewhere out there, there is an uncensored version. GASP!  Haha, seriously, can’t censor something without first drawing the naughty bits. If anyone (for whatever reason) wants to see the uncensored version in all it’s embarrassing glory, I may put it up on my paid PATREON page. We’ll see for now…Sometimes it’s best to leave things unsaid, and in this case unseen (maybe). I’ll have to let the viewers decide.

Later for now my peeps. 🙂

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Dessert - Living With Stacy #179

Dessert – Living With Stacy #179

Welcome back LWS fans, I have another new comic strip on this lovely, muggy Saturday called “Dessert.” As you might have guessed from the title, dessert is the theme of the day. Ryan and Stacy finally get out on that date they have been talking about. The meal was fabulous by the way. 😉

But it’s the dessert most people are really after. Am I right? Unfortunately, there were no gluten free options available for Ryan. He slickly remarks with a “Forget the sweets– You’re the only dessert I need tonight.” Haha, what a steamy hot save! Who needs cake anyways?

It turns out that Stacy does in fact need cake! Lol. Which of course, is fine. Ryan gets his dessert later. 🙂

Well, that’s it for today’s comic strip. If you liked this one, check out all my other ones. You can find them in my LWS COMIC  ARCHIVE.

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