LWS 212 - Fare Thee Well
Oh Ryan! My sweet, darling Ryan~
LWS 211 - Wakey-Wakey
Wakey-wakey eggs and bakey!
LWS 210 - George
It's George!
LWS 209 - One of Those Days
This is fine...I'm fine...Everything is fine.
LWS 208 - Chairs
Looks like we're movin' on up in the world.
LWS 207 - Trust Me
Ryan discovers a fun trust exercise.
LWS 206 - Apple Pie
Mmm~ I smmell apple pie...
LWS 205 - Cats 101 - Part 4
Continuation of Cats 101. Here is Part 4 of 4.
LWS 204 - Cats 101 - Part 3
Continuation of Cats 101. Here is Part 3 of 4.
LWS 203 - Cats 101 - Part 2
Continuation of Cats 101. Here is Part 2 of 4.
LWS 202 - Cats 101
Aw~ What a cute wittle hunter you are.
LWS 201 - Long Day
It's just one of those days...again.
LWS 200 - Bandwagon
This is so relatable. Ha!
LWS 199 - Astute Observer
It's the little things...
LWS 198 - Gorgeous
Hey there Gorgeous...
LWS 197 - Mayo Mishap
It's just one of those days...
LWS 196 - Errands
Pet owners can super relate.
LWS 195 - Fuax Pas
Ryan does an oopsie.
LWS 194 - Good Morning
It's so nice to be greeted in the morning by two cute kitties.
LWS 193 - Love Muffin
Give mama a big hug you fluffy, little love muffin.
LWS 192 - Fitted sheets
Stacy fights with some fitted sheets.
LWS 191 - Would You Rather
Would you rather...?
LWS 190 - Saturday Night
A typical Saturday Night.
LWS 189 - Fraudster
Stacy thinks she's going to jail.
LWS 188 - Spotless
Ryan notices the apartment is unsually clean.
LWS 187 - Shortcomings
Stacy has a "little" problem.
LWS 186 - Epiphany
Ryan has an epiphany while eating Ringolos.
LWS 185 - Have I Told You
Have I told you how much I love you lately?!
LWS 184 - Tongue Twister
Ryan challenges the QUEEN OF PRONUNCIATION to a deviously difficult tongue twister!
LWS 183 - Fish Sticks
Stacy has one thing on her mind, and one thing only!
LWS 182 - Constantly At Me
Stacy is having little blue bird problems...
LWS 181 - Dressed Like That
Ryan is invited for a home-cooked meal at his parents, but arrives a little underdressed...
LWS 180 - Flop
LWS 179 - Dessert
Ryan and Stacy finally go out on that dinner date.
LWS 178 - Go Out
Why don't we go out anymore?
LWS 177 - The Greatest
Stacy wants to be the greatest, like no one ever was.
LWS 176 - Feels So Good
Ryan and Stacy make each other feel good.
LWS 175 - Indirect Kiss
Ryan gives Stacy a surprise indirect kiss in the bathroom.
LWS 174 - Home Sweet Home
Ryan and Stacy finally get back home from grocery shopping.
LWS 173 - Whoopsie
LWS 172 - Checkout
Ryan and Stacy finally make it to the checkout.
LWS 171 - Lines For Days
Look out son, it's lines for days!
LWS 170 - Aisle Nine
Clean up in aisle nine!
LWS 169 - Right Over Here
Ryan and Stacy get seperated in the grocery store.
LWS 168 - Smoked Meats
Stacy smells cigarette smoke, Ryan smells smoked meats.
LWS 167 - Carried Away
Ryan gets a litle carried away in the Soupastore.
LWS 166 - Good Spot
Ryan and Stacy try to find a good spot to park.
LWS 165 - Business
Looks like they mean business.
LWS 164 - Bring it Back
The question is...Can Ryan bring it back?
LWS 163 - French Fries
Ryan smells french fries. Stacy smells a plant.
LWS 162 - Catnip
It's not about the catnip, it's about the ADVENTURE!
LWS 161 - Toboggan
Ryan goes sledding. True story.
LWS 160 - Stick
LWS 159 - Depth Perception
Stacy and Ryan lean about depth perception.
LWS 158 - Celiac
Ryan eats a yummy ham sandwich...Hm, maybe a little too yummy...
LWS 157 - Cursed
Stacy attempts to do chores around the house but is met with much resistance.
LWS 156 - Modest
Oh my, what is that I feel? It's so hard...
LWS 155 - My Hero
Heroes Ryan and Stacy arrive on the scene!
LWS 154 - Round Two
Ryan and Stacy argue over who's turn it is to do the dishes. Only one will come out victorious. Who will it be?
LWS 153 – Rock Paper Scissors
It’s Zombies VS Aliens! Which movie genre will win movie night?
LWS 152 – Shower
Ryan and Stacy argue over who gets to shower first.
LWS 151 – Something Important
Ryan has something important to tell Stacy.
LWS 150 – Jiggle Jiggle
A shirtless Ryan jiggles his tummy.
LWS 149 - How Sweet
Stacy holds Ryan's hand.
LWS 148 - Better Safe Than Sorry
Stacy weathers the storm while Ryan is skeptical.
LWS 147 - Survival Mode Dorian
Ryan and Stacy weather the storm.
LWS 146 - Clean as a Whistle
Whoo-wee! Those dishes are clean as a whistle!
LWS 145 - Glasses
Stacy can't find her glasses anywhere.
LWS 144 - It's All Yours
Ryan comes home to find Stacy eating his gluten-free chocolate cake.
LWS 143 - Suit Yourself
Stacy hates all the foods.
LWS 142 - Nap
Ryan awakes from his dream in a daze.
LWS 141 - Happy Birthday
Stacy and Jeanie get a gift for Ryan for his birthday.
LWS 140 - Takeout
Stacy opens the fridge and gets a smelly surprise.
LWS 139 - Anything
Ryan plays the new Nintendo Switch game Mario Maker 2.
LWS 138 - Mario Maker
Ryan plays the new Nintendo Switch game Mario Maker 2.
LWS 137 - Jam Packed
Stacy assures Ryan that they are an exciting couple.
LWS 136 - Stinky Kitty
Ryan lets out a silent but deadly fart in bed.
LWS 135 - Bon Appetit
Stacy craves fine dining and Ryan knows just the place to go.
LWS 134 - How to Get His Attention
Stacy breaks Ryan free of his video game trance with her seductive skills.
LWS 133 - The Pimple Popper
Ryan gets a pimple.
LWS 132 - Figure of Speech
Ryan professes his profound love for chicken.
LWS 131 - Way Harder
Drawing is becoming much harder lately..I wonder why?
LWS 130 - Waiter
Ryan and Stacy go out for brunch.
LWS 129 - Getting Old
Ryan attempts to massage Stacy to ease her migraine.
LWS 128 - On My Nerves
Beep beep beep beep.
LWS 127 - Toilet Seat
Ryan forgets to put the toilet seat back down.
LWS 126 - Let Us In
Ryan and Stacy attempt to get some sleep...again.
LWS 125 - Growth Spurt
Jeanie has a growth spurt.
LWS #124 - Good Example
Stacy tells Tori to be a good example for Jeanie.
LWS #123 - Battle Mode
Ryan and Stacy introduce their new kitten Jeanie to their older cat Tori.
LWS #122 - Peace Offering
Stacy offers Ryan a peace offering.
LWS #121 - Runt Of The Litter
Stacy gets asked if she'd like to hold a kitten.
LWS #120 - Detour
Stacy takes a little detour on the way to the games store.
LWS #119 - All Night Long
Ryan and Stacy devise a plan to prevent Tori from getting lonely.
LWS #118 - Let Me In
Tori serenades her owners throughout the night.
LWS #117 - Arbor
Ryan and Stacy enjoy a stroll through the arbor.
LWS #116 - Back In Fashion
Ryan finds an old pair of 90's jeans.
LWS #115 - Me Time
Stacy needs some "Me Time."
LWS #114 - Pretty Little Chicken
Ryan dances around the kitchen with a raw chicken.
LWS #113 - Bad Radish
Stacy misinterprets an idiom.
LWS #112 - Christmas Surprise
Ryan gets a special and unexpected Xmas gift.
LWS #111 - Potholes
Winter time is here.
LWS #110 - Winter Time
Winter time is here.
LWS #109 - Truths
Stacy reveals deep personal truths to Ryan.
LWS #108 - Mattress Mayhem
Ryan and Stacy go mattress shopping.
LWS #107 - Halloween Party Pt 4 - Party Pooped
Stacy finds Ryan and his new friend passed out on the floor.
LWS #106 - Halloween Party Pt 3 - Soulmates
Ryan and his new soulmate party hardy.
LWS #105 - Halloween Party Pt 2 - Themezies
The Halloween party continues.
LWS #104 - Halloween Party
Ryan and Stacy go to a Halloween Party.
LWS #103 - Coddle
Stacy is having one of those days.
LWS #102 - Ye Of Little Faith
Ryan attempts to fix a leaky faucet.
LWS #101 - Make Up Your Mind
Ryan and Stacy attempt to watch a movie with an indecisive kitty cat.
LWS #100 - So Delicious
If I would have known cosplay was such a turn on, I'd have done this ages ago.
LWS #99 - Pretty Sexy
Stacy finds something interesting at the discount dollar store.
LWS #98 - Bacon Hole
Stacy suggests some sexy content for Ryan's comic.
LWS #97 - The Board Game
Ryan and Stacy play her new board game called "Procrastination".
LWS #96 - Master Procrastinator
Stacy is the master of procrastination in this latest comic.
LWS #95 - Rhetorical
Ryan, I was being rhetorical...
LWS #94 - Honest
Honesty is the best policy.
Comic update! LWS #93 - One Job!
August 07, 2018 - LWS Comic update & brand new website! Ryan has one job and one job only. Can he do the thing? Find out!