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Flipside University NFU Comic

date night LWS comic contest winner stacy

Living With Stacy #86 Date Night Ryan and Stacy

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LIVING WITH STACY #86 - Date Night

Hey y'all! A while back I had a LWS comic contest where entrants got to create their own LWS comic strips. I drew a blank template and had people fill in what they thought would be funny. Well today I present to you the contest winner, Mr. Shaun Allen! Here is his entry called "Date Night."

There were a lot of great submissions. Notable mentions go to Jill F. and Full Moon Todd for their create takes on my work. Haha. If you want to check them out, you can view them on my Official LWS Facebook page. It was a fun contest so I think I'll do another one in the future. Maybe I'll even take requests for ideas or situations that you experience everyday to use in a particular LWS comic. Could be interesting, so look forward to that.

Anyways, that's it for Monday's update. See you Wednesday for more LOLz. Peace out.

Living With Stacy, or LWS for short, updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays so come back often to lol at the latest comic strips!

Author: Ryan J.S. Chandler of Flapjack Studios (c) 2015

